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Rosie and I snapchatted all morning before school in preparation for today. The first day back was always one of those days where nothing actually happened, we all talked about what we did during our holiday.

I had the supplies to pull off the first prank of the year. All it took was an A3 printer and further inspection of the CLASS OF 2019 PHOTOS folders.

I walk into school with the posters all ready to be glued onto lockers. We constantly stuck things on each other's lockers, that's how it all started. But this was for multiple lockers. All of his friends, classmates, you name it. Using glue instead of sticky tape also insures it will last longer, harder to scrap off.

"Remember, during period two, just before recess 10:30," I say to her over the phone, the cylinder of posters in my other hand.

"Of course I know, you need to calm down. The photo is hilarious."

"I know... everything need to be perfect. I'll see you soon."

"See you," she hangs up.

The walk to my locker has become surprising easier since when I first started here, considering I've grown to 5'6". I carefully place the posters vertically in my locker. I surrounded them in old fashion looking books, ones that would repel Cameron if he were to look inside, to hide them. I only had to get through two periods then I would be able to fake a stomach ache and hang them up.

Rosie was going to do the same thing in her class. We checked our schedules beforehand and literally mapped out the paths we were going to take to get back to my locker.

I sat right next to Rosie during period 1, all the secret giggling and talking, it was going to blow our cover. Thankfully, class ended and we parted ways, only to each fake a stomach bug and meet up again at 10:30.

"Mrs Robinson, I don't feel too good," I say with my head down and my hand slightly up. I watched a few YouTube videos on how to fake it. Mrs Robinson, afraid of my hunched over position, sent me to the office before I would throw up in her class. I turned the corner and there she was, my angel Rosie.

"We have to be quick," I hand her two glue sticks and half the posters. "After they are up, go to sick bay so our alibi seems legit."

"Everyone's going to know it was us, you know right?"

"I know they will, but the teachers won't."


atalienay _blog entry

Week 1, Term 1, 2016

It went perfectly and smoothly. Greg, if you're reading this. Let the games begin.

atalienay _blog entry

Week 10, Term 4, 2016

I'm just going to quickly some up this whole year for those of my followers who haven't read all of my entries and would like a summary. It involved a lot of paper, many after class chats with teachers and a call to my parents. Which was a pretty big wakeup call considering my Dad was the strictest person I had ever met. However the year was a lot easier than last, considering I didn't have a single class with Greg and have the majority of classes with my BBF Lilly.


Year 10 was a lot more subtle than Year 9. Neither Cameron nor I wanted to speak to another teacher so the pranks consisted mainly to locker vandalism. I learnt his combination through paying spies to scope it out around our lockers, it would be too obvious if I were to watch him put in his combination.

He also claimed to remember my combination from the first day of school. At first I was surprised at how he could possibly remember that, I later realised he had done the same as Cameron's friend Max was standing a bit too close to me one morning.

It can all be basically summed up in these few words. Balloons. Gossip. Streamers. Exams. Physical Education Embarrassment. Silly-String. More Exams. More Gossip.

All of year 10 had just finished their yearly exams. No one payed attention in class no matter how hard the teachers tried to tell you "But you'll need this for next year" No I won't Mr Doyle thankyouverymuch.

"Good evening Students," Mrs Dixon our principle addressed the school during assembly. "These last few weeks of school can be hard to concentrate, but please respect our wonderful staff and each other. Thank you."

"Good luck with that," Rosie leans over and whispers to me making me smile.

"She has no idea," I reply back. "These last few days are going to be brilliant."

"You got that right," Rosie chuckles.

A loud "Shush," echoed through the sea of students. Rosie and I turned to find Cameron and Max looking disapproving behind us. "Such bitches," I turn back around and say to Rosie.

"Now the school has allowed for an end of year event," Mrs Dixon continues. "All students are allowed to pick one of three events. Option one is to see a film of your choice at our local cinema," the school murmurs and talks amongst itself. "Alright, quiet down," she pauses. "Option two is to take a bus to the nearby ice-skating rink and skate."

"Oh my God we have to Nat," Rosie turns to me. I hold up a finger and shush her, they always leave the best for last.

"Option three is only available to the seniors," I turn to Rosie, a smile growing on my face, as one is on every seniors face. "To attend a local concert where the band 'Pig Latin' is playing."

All the seniors stood up and screamed.

"Hell yes, Rose," we both look at each other. "No Juniors!" We both yell.

Mrs Dixon seems appalled "Sit down, students. Or no concert!" That got us to sit down real quick.

I flicked my head around to see Cameron high-five all of his friends and pull in the girls either side a little closer.

"Ugh, Cameron will be there." I lean over to Rose.

"Who cares, it's Pig Latin." True

Pig Latin is one of my favourite bands. The music they play is a sort of punk rock, but not metal either. It was actually the band I was obsessed with just before high school when I started to write my blog. Hence my name atalienay which is Pig Latin for Natalie.

This Friday was going to be the best day ever.

Stealing from the Bad Boy [completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora