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We both sit in silence for a few moments and then I hear the front door slam shut. My phone vibrates.

R- Couldn't hold them long enough. Need to get out now. I'll be by the car.

I look up at Cameron who is looking right at me and begin typing a message. I feel like a hostage.

N- I'm still looking for it. You go home, I'll make my own way back.

R- Okay, be quick. Call me when you get home.

"Now what?" I say as I put my phone away.

"We wait for my parents to leave."

"Aren't you going to interrogate me? Get mad? Call the police?" It was so strange that I had broken into Cameron Tanners room and he doesn't seem the least bit concerned.

"No need."

"No need? What do you mean no need?"

"I mean I know why you're here."

A rock formed in my throat making it impossible to swallow.

"What?" I say harshly and cough.

"I know you want my drumstick." My jaw drops. How could he possible know that? He didn't believe me before when I told him I had it and now he know I do. "I mean, I left my window open for you."

I open my mouth to rebut, however only strange noises leave my mouth.

" How do... How did you know?"

"I'm a pretty smart guy." All my brain can think about is how just a few minutes ago, Caleb was telling me that Cam thought I was pretty and smart.

"But...but." I stopped. I have no idea what to say.

"I thought about it and connected all the dots. You were there at the concert, you told me you had it. Everything about it seemed suspicious," he paused for a bit, thinking carefully about his words. "They when you came in to 'Vintage Baby' asking about when I worked, getting Max to tell you where I live."

"When you put it that way it seems pretty obvious it was me."

Cameron swivelled closer to me on his chair. "About the other day at work." I groan silently in my head. "I know you said 'it was fine' in the library but I know it isn't."

"I shouldn't have sprung out at you like that," I say with my head down and become fixated on the icepack.

"You should have. I had no right." He looks at me but I avoid his eyes. He lifts up a hand and places it on my chin, tilting my head to meet his. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realise how bad it was for you. I would be praised and you lost your friends. There is nothing I can do to fix that and I'm so sorry."

"Everyone wants to be best friends with Cameron Tanner. Join his side. Anything I did to try and take you down would in turn make your more successful. But I'm also sorry I didn't try hard enough."

I didn't mean that but I guess I'm jealous. If Cameron and I did the exact same equivalent thing. My jokes would make him more well known, but his would hurt, make people hate me, make my friends leave.

"I should have stopped. But I didn't, I was an asshole."

"Still are," I corrected with a smile.

"Still am," he smiles back.

A small knock on the door broke the silent. My heart sunk to floor, what if it was his parents. I stood up and hid behind the door.

"Hi," Caleb walks in when Cam opens the door. A sigh of relief leaves us both. "Did you to make out yet?"

"Excuse me?" asks Cameron.

"Make up," he corrects smiling. "Did you stop fighting?"

"Yes," I walk out from behind the door and sit on the swivel chair.

"Not cool, Hart," Cameron makes a sad face when he sees I took his chair. He sits on the bed and pulls Caleb up beside him.

"How's it going bud? How's your weekend going?"

"It's good. I'm getting ready for my friend's birthday party tomorrow. It's going to have a jumping castle and a slippy slide..."

Caleb kept on talking to both of us but he faced me. They both did, but Cameron kept on staring at me, and occasionally in-between listen to Caleb and asking questions, I would stare right back at him.


"You better get downstairs and say goodnight to Mum and Dad," Cameron tells Caleb. "And remember, it's a secret that Natalie is here so don't tell anyone."

He ran out the door and began saying goodnight to his parents. "I'll be back. Just gonna make sure they're all right."

Cameron left the room and I was once again alone. I grabbed my phone and called Rosie, I tried to be quiet in case either parent heard me and realised I wasn't either of their sons.

I told Rose that I got home safe (even though I hadn't) and that I would tell her the whole story later.

I walked around Cam's room again. The grazes on the stomach and arms had healed a while ago, I could have easily walked back outside and around the ledge. But I wanted to stay. This is the longest by far I've ever spoken to Cameron and it hasn't been horrible.

I heard the door shut and footsteps walk up the steps. I heard Caleb and Cameron talking in the room next to this one. The room with the shut window out the front must be Caleb's. I guess it would have been embarrassing if I crawled into his room.

A few minutes later Cameron re appeared in the doorway. The sun was starting to go down and the light from the window was disappearing.

"Come on," he motioned his head outside the room.

I followed him around his house. The walls were painted white and the style was very cosy, much like Cameron's room. The marble staircase showed elegance to such a fine home. I could imagine all the parties he throws here.

"Your house is beautiful," I admire

"Want to hang out for a bit?" He says slowly and raised his eyebrow.

"Sure," I blush a little and shrug. If he wasn't going to kick me out, I might as well stay.

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