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A/N. Don't forget to Like, Comment and SHARE. Merry Christmas Eve guys!

"Shit, are you okay?" I ask Andrew as he stands.

"Yeah, I'm cool," he looks at me with his dazzling eyes. He pauses and looks at me strangely.

"Do I know you?" 'God I hope so,' I think.

I look surprised and pretend to think about it. "Andrew?... from school. You're a year older than me I think," I knew.

"I thought you looked familiar...?"

"Natalie," I finish.

"Natalie," he nods, as if it was on the tip of his tongue, I knew it wasn't. "So Natalie, I'm sorry for literally tripping on you but I have to go. I'll see you," he call as he walks.

"Thank you," I reply smiling. He chuckles a little to himself and keeps walking. 'Thank you, THANK YOU. What is wrong with me? Actually, don't answer that,' I argue with myself.

Jesus Christ he will never notice me now, I thought it was bad before when he didn't know I existed, this was much, much worse.

The second I get home I message Rosie, unsure if she would see it right away or not, it's okay, and I could live a few more hours with my own stupidity building up and up. However I did go home and had the sudden urge to watch James Bond instead of play the stereo straight away.

I was sick of the stereo anyway from it being played in the background of all my puzzle solving, between that and reading I needed a change. I never thought Cameron would suggest that change but here I am.


atalienay _blog entry

4 days till Christmas, not like I'm obsessively counting

I always forget how good looking Sean Connery is until I see him on my TV at home. All the curtains shut, lights out. Just me and Bond... and some movies snacks. Believe it or not, I ran into Greg today and he reminded me of how great this movie is. Sometimes the sequels are just as great as their original. Unless it's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. That sequel can burn.



R- I cannot believe that you said thank you. omg Nat! Not to worry, you have the next few weeks to do something even more embarrassing

N- That makes me feel better, thanks! (NOT)

R- Cheer up... I read your blog, when did u c Cameron??

N- It was so weird I ran into him, he works at this new vintage place.

R- It must have been horrible. Any guys up closer to the equator?

R- Not any that are under 75 L

N- Have fun with that

R- Ohhh I will, don't you worry. Night xx

N- Night xx


When Rosie told me she had read my blog, I was actually quite surprised. The amount of views my blog has been getting is slowly decreasing, each week or so the numbers drop. I don't put the same amount of effort into it as I used to.

I never had a big fan base, it started off with 6 or so solid readers, which grew to about 25 when the full on war between 'Greg' and me peaked. But now each entry only gets around 12 reads. Probably because my life is boring, and no one has the same taste in music as I do.

I wake up to the sound of my laptop beeping, INCOMING MESSAGE. I check it and someone through my blog wants to message me privately. I accept.

Nightfire01- Hey atalienay. It was cool seeing you yesterday.

Oh My God. ANDREW? Andrew said 'cool' when I saw him before, so it MUST be him.

atalienay- I hope you've recovered from your fall.

Nightfire01- ?

atalienay- Andrew, right?

He didn't reply back for a while, I wondered if everything was okay.

Nightfire01- Yeah, Andrew from Year 12, I notice you around school all the time.

atalienay- Really? I didn't think you knew I existed.

Nightfire01- Of course I notice you.

I couldn't believe he just said that, the only guy I've been interested in says he noticed me. The rest of the day I messaged Rosie about the convo with Andrew. She thought there was no way that was actually Andrew, but he confirmed when I asked.

Rosie asked who mentioned the name 'Andrew' first, to which I confessed I did. But I assured her that it was him.


Christmas morning was spent sleeping in, and preparing for the extended family to come over. Every year it was held at our house, considering it's the biggest... and we own a pool. We always receive different blow up toys each year from SANTA, and we always raced them. Cousin vs. cousin. Sibling vs. sibling. I remember one year, dad rode an inflatable alligator and mum on a massive cell-phone.

My cousin Jacqueline is a year older than me, when we were sitting down for dinner, I pulled her aside and into my room. I asked her about Andrew, what kind of things boys like. I knew she had a boyfriend, she wouldn't stop talking about Johnathon.

Before she could answer me, her little brother and sister barged into my room chanting 'Dinner, dinner' over and over again.

"Later," Jacki said as we both stood back up and made our way to dinner.

With all the family, laughs, wine and presents, I forgot to ask Jacki about it, and she forgot to tell me. I wouldn't have an opportunity to ask her in person until sometime next year. Great.

New Year's Eve was a lot colder than I remember last year was, mum had sent me up to the shops to grab some snacks. I stayed there an extra 20 minutes, I didn't know why. I sat in front of the 'Vintage Baby' the same place I bumped into Andrew.

The shop was closed, but I could still look inside. A massive movie poster of 'From Russia with Love' sat framed above the counter.

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