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A/N. Don't forget to Like, Comment and SHARE. Merry Christmas guys!  

The bright light could cause an epileptic episode. I don't think I've ever been blinded that quickly after I walked into anywhere. I couldn't believe it, Pig Latin here I come.

The word concert was a bit of an exaggeration, it was a hall rented out for Pig Latin and just our school could enter, we had to show our I.D. at the door.

Right then and there, I turned to Rosie and said the most teen girly thing ever, "I can't," and truly meant it. She just replied with a jaw drop and her mouth wide open.

I had a quick look over the crowd, I could spot Cameron and his gang of thieves in one corner near the front. I pulled Rosie into the opposite corner, I wasn't going to let being close to Cameron stop me from being as close as I can to my favourite band.

Freddie Blac, drummer, was three metres away from my face. I could feel the pulse of his beats play through me. They play an amazing set, songs from all different albums, I know everything they've played so far, except one. The song was a bit slower, beautiful lyrics.

Legally, no one in year 10 could drink, only the older half of the year 11's, but it was still snuck in. Spread around. I had a normal cup filled with some cheap beer, it tasted like shit. I didn't have a lot, but when the music quieted between songs, some of the remarks coming from me were... surprisingly stupid.

Most coming from the group beside us, Cameron. I saw Rosie go over there a while back, to try and get them to shut up or leave. She seemed like the suitable choice to send over, considering I had had one too many cups of this beer.

The lead singer said they would take a short break then come back with the last song.

I can't feel the tips of my fingers due to excitement, the song they hadn't played yet was my absolute favourite 'Kiss with poison'.

"Rose?" I turn around and can't see her. Was she still talking to Cameron? I walk over to them and find Rosie talking to Cameron's right hand man Max. "Everything okay," I grab her by the shoulder looking concerned.

"Yeah," she turns to me and we quickly walk back to the other side before Cameron notices.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing," she replies. My drunk and easily persuaded brain believed her.

Pig Latin came back from there break.

"For our last song we will play," 'Here it is' I thought. "Kiss with poison!" AHHHHHHHH!! I half slurred and screamed the lyrics.

Just as I though the day couldn't get any better. Freddie Blac did the most unexpected thing ever. He through his drum sticks out into the crowd, one straight at my direction. I was sober enough to catch it, and to not pass out from excitement.

The crowd cheered and clapped as they exited the stage.

"Did that... did... what?" I turn to Rosie for guidance.

She replies with "Where's the other one?" I didn't think of it as a question, more like a mission. I was on a mission to find the other drumstick if it killed me.

I basically dove into the crowd. Rosie behind me yelled "Stop." But I was already gone.

I search the crowd, holding onto my stick so hard I was afraid someone would steal it. Then my face turns white. Cameron. Cameron Tanner. He was holding my drumstick. He scanned the crowd I can only assume for the other stick. His eye landed on mine, I went pale and his face looked repulsed and kept scanning the room.

He was looking for the other drumstick. My grip grew tighter, I knew he saw me, but I don't think he saw the stick. IT WAS MINE. I ducked and retreated.

"We have to go." I explain to Rosie when I get back to our spot the other side of the hall. "Before he finds out I have it."

"Before who finds what?" she looks around pathetically knowing the threat wasn't as urgent as my face appeared. Her face looked funny, I simply cackled in reply.

"Okay, you've had a bit too much to drink. Let's get you home," she pulled me by the arm and helped me stand when I nearly tripped over.


My recollection of last night's events were blurry, but not too blurry. I remember the songs, the lights, the sticks and Cameron. My face scrunched up in disgust. He had my other stick. I also remember forgetting the code to my safe several times before getting it right, in which I tucked away the stick.

I only threw up twice, it was the third time I'd ever gone out and started drinking. Most likely the last... at least for a while.

Today was Saturday which meant two things. My parents didn't have work and that I had a short amount time in the morning before my mum bombarded with her questions about the week.

Unfortunately I had spent most of that time in the bathroom, more specifically, over the toilet. I sprayed a bunch of perfume to disguise the smell which was making me gag.

"Natalie," my mother knocked on the bathroom door. CRAP

"Just a minute," I answer back as I spit out the toothpaste.

I open the door with the biggest smile on my face. "Hey Mum, how's it going?"

"Fine, how about you? You were in there for a long time," she peers over me and into the room behind.

"Oh just fine," she shrugs and turns around, I shut the door behind me and follow her to the kitchen.

I sit down at our bench, and overhear dad yelling at someone on the phone in his room, something about some deadline. I don't spread anything in my toast, the plainer the better. I needed some electrolytes that's for sure.

I was looking through our medicine cabinet for a packet of tablets I knew we had, however I was stopped by mum mother asking the dreaded question.

"What did you do yesterday?"

I have to practice a breathing technique I learnt during PE at school to stop my pulse from visibly bulging out of my face.

"Oh nothing," I paused think it was enough however her face wanted more information "the school had a final day celebration," I looked down to hide the lies. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh sweetie what happened?" My mother had mistook my guilt for depression. She walked around the bench to pull me into a hug.

I had to roll with it. Quick think of something sad.

"Rosie is leaving to go overseas," okay, now I'm actually starting to get sad. I don't want Rosie to leave. I don't think I even said goodbye last night, and she's already on her plane.

"Shush," my mother calms me and combs my hair with her fingers. "It's going to be fine. We can have the whole holidays to ourselves."

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