Chapter 1:

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"Clean up the damn floor," he demanded, lifting his right hand in the air as a way to really frighten me into completing his tasks, "I have you for a reason."

His name was Carter. A 6 foot man with a curled upward mustache, he wasn't very attractive. He was fat to be exact, he waddled when he walked and he always carried around a gun, "just in case I try to run".

"I'm training you, my pretty." He knelt down and rubbed the barrel of his black handgun a cross my cheek. "That's my job, just like your job is to finish all my commands." I gulped with fright, continuing to scrub the floors as hard as possible. My mind and body wanted to avoid the punishments as much as possible because once I got away from all of this, I didn't want to be traumatized, well anymore then I already was.

I couldn't even sit next to him without shaking or flinching at every touch. He scared me and something told me this new guy wouldn't be much better then here.

These punishments, I forgot to share with you how deep they got. His so called way to show me who was boss was his reward. These acts would range from any sexual embarrassment you could think of (except, you know... Sex. Something told me rolley Polley couldn't move like that) to simply me just stripping. They were at his delight and never once was I able to choose what I wanted to do.

"This new owner if yours is going to love you, hard." He chuckled, watching me in a creepy way as I polished his wooden floors. "He'll mostly love your beautiful," he looked around the back of me, eyeing my butt, "Face" he knelt down once more, gripping my jaw in a tight hold. My cheeks were smashed together as he leaned in and gave me what could have possibly been the most disgusting and appalling kiss I've ever received...

"Kiss me back..." He demanded. I couldn't do it. The thought of having those crusty lips plastered on mine made me want to puke up last nights dinner... Yes, I say last nights dinner because I had not eaten yet today and after what I was about to do, it might remain that way.

I ripped my face away from his grasp which made him very,and I mean very livid. Carter's demeanor was one I'd never forget. The way his whole face turned bright red, there might as well of been smoke blowing out of each ear.

I scurried away, sliding my butt a cross the floor in a panic. He stood up, waddling his body at me, lunging. He ripped me up by my neck, slamming my already bruised back onto the wall. His index finger and thumb pierced into my neck. "Don't you ever, and I mean ever do that to me again." He was talking so angry I felt spit fly from his mouth and land on my nose. I whimpered as a remark, noting I understood.

"And to think, you were doing so good my love. Get up stairs. It's time for you punishment." He dropped me down to the hard ground thrusting a foot into my lower abdomen. I ached in pain, not showing the hurt I had. Instead I ran as fast as I could up the steps.

This one was going to be bad...I knew it..



It was time for closing. I worked at a little convenient store on the corner of East Cherry Road and Williams Street. Unfortunately tonight I was all alone. My boss left early because he "had some business to take care of" he was probably buying out some hooker, he was that type of guy.

I glanced at the clock, 11:55. No one will find out if I closed 5 minutes early. The door locked and the lights were dimmed when the sound of knocking filled up the store. I zippered up my jacket slowly, peeking my head around the wall. I saw a man, he was heavier with a curly mustache.

I bet you know what happened next.. Letting him in was the worst choice of my life...

At first he acted nice, smiling at me as he wandered back behind an aisle look at the sodas. I didn't think anything of it, in fact I grabbed the keys once more and swung the keys around my pointer finger. When he was ready to pay I used those keys to open up the cash register.

"So," he started a conversation, "how is it working here?" He questioned. I figured I'd be polite, sending him a sweet smile and responding with a calm shrug.

"It's okay."

I looked down to count his change when I felt the tip if a gun on my head. "Get out from behind the counter." He demanded. I didn't say a word. "You're coming with me sweet thing." He sent me smirk as I gulped in fear. "You'll enjoy the work I have for you..."

That's when my world took a 360 turn.. For the worst


Oooo. I hope you all like it so far. Remember to vote!!!

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