Chapter 3:

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This house was impeccable, the inside was so beautiful, words wouldn't do it justice. The floors were pure cherry wood with area rugs here and there. This place was so much better then the shit hole I was living in.

"So, my love. How did Carter treat you? By these bruises I'm guessing not well." He sat me down at the table. I was so distracted by the his beauty I zoned out, not able to answer his question. Those eyes, those lips, his hair...

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my distant body, a warm breath on my neck. "Babe..." He whispered, kissing my sensitive skin, "listen to me." he mumbled grabbing the base of my neck in a light tone of anger. That nervous feeling again over came my body, reliving the constant beatings.

"I'm sorry Master." I gulped. "I was just caught up in the beauty of your home..." I know it was a lie but how would I tell my captor that his face was the most handsome thing I've ever seen? That laugh, I hear it again, it's so drawing... I haven't heard something this pleasant in weeks. It reminded me of my brothers... oh how I miss him.

I can only wish that I'll see their faces again, be able to hold them once more.

Again, those manly hands trickled down my cheek, I lost my breath with the sight of his eyes. "I forgot to tell you my name. Call me Justin. Cut the master Bullshit." He moved swiftly a cross the kitchen tile, leaning his forearms on the edge of the counter. "So, answer my question. What type of things would Carter make you do? Tell me sweetheart, how did it make you feel?"

I took a weak and shakey deep breath before allowing myself to speak freely, almost as if I was speaking to myself alone in my bare room, raging with hatred. "He made me feel bad about myself. I felt dirty, worthless and embarrassed. The things he made me do, I will never forget... I was beaten and forced to do..." taking a pause and whispering, "sexual things. But.. but.." I didn't want to come off as a prude or anything so I backed myself up, "I mean it's not like I didn't know how to do it it's just he was kinda..." My lips stopped, scared to talk any further.

"Gross? Fat? Ugly?" Justin finished my thought and I couldn't help but laugh for the first time in what felt like ages. "Atleast you won't have that issue with me beautiful," he pushed himself back up, rising to full mast, "as you can already see. I'm not gross," he took one step closer to me, "nor am I fat", his hands felt down his flat abdomen, again taking a step forward, "and I'm certainly not ugly." His charming smile made my cheeks turn red, I could feel it.

Justin was a cocky son of a Bitch, quite pig headed I might add. His personality was shit compared to his looks. He came off as a manwhore, having me around just for sex. I was weirded out...

I looked up at him now standing over me, towering nearly 6 feet high. "You''ll enjoy it when I ask for it. I promise."  My body grew weak as Justin grabbed my chin and tilted it up toward his face, our lips hovering within inches of eachothers. "Now, run upstairs, get changed and take a shower. I have clothes laid out on the bed for you. It's the room down the hall to the left. I expect you not to run my love. Don't even try." He backed away, leaving my desperate body wanting more.

A nice cool shower sounded amazing. Without hesitation I ran upstairs thrilled to finally clean my grime covered body. I honestly was not able to remember the last time I was aloud to shower, but on the bed laid a beautiful sun dress with under garments matching.

The shower felt cool on my back, dripping down my skin in such a way I'd never fully be able to describe. My mind was civered in thoughts spinning all at once. Why was Justin so nice? It baffled me. Carter was such a hateful man but Justin was, different? I did miss my family most of all but would I risk it, trying to run? Was it all worth it? I knew I eventually wanted to get away from this system of selling girls and go back to my happy life but when was the right time? Was it ever?

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