Chapter 2:

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My body ached as I laid in that small bed. I cried and cried because of this last punishment. The things he made me do, they sickened me. I could not bare these constant beatings any longer.

Lying on my back, my hands lifted my shirt up. I glanced down at the bruises, some were yellow with a deep purple in the middle, hinting they were older. However, some were fresh making them throb and send sharp pains through my skin.

There was a part of me that secretly could not wait to go to this new place. I loved to fantasize about the future and that's exactly what I did now.

While I lay on that bed, staring at the blank ceiling I picture what this new home would look like. Maybe beautiful white walls, two stories high. A place a king could live. Was he rich? Was he handsome? Someone I'd purposely piss off just to get close to.

I bet you are wonder how, in the midst of all this I stay so positive and I'm still able to dream. My answer is, it's my only way to cope. By setting up pleasant situatuons in my dramatic mind it helps to calm my nerves. Giving me hope that eventually things might get better. Stupid, I know.

I curled up in a ball, blanketless. Trying to use my own body heat to keep me warm on this cold, rainy night I slowly fall asleep In hopes that tomorrow will be day Id thank God... knowing he hasn't done much for me in these past few weeks.


"Get the fuck up!" I heard Carter's heavy foot steps trudging down the hallway. "We have to go. We can't be late because you decided to sleep it!" he exclaimed. His foot hit the door with such impact I flinched at the sound of it banging against the wall.

"Okay. I'm Sorry." I said in a low voice.  He frightened me. A lot. I was afraid to speak around him, knowing if I said one wrong word I'd regret it for the rest of my life.

He quickly walked over to the bed grabbing my wrist, not gently I might add. "We have an hour drive, I don't want to hear a peep." I nodded.

Even though I was afraid to get on his bad side, I figured I'd push his buttons. It was my last hour with this monster. "Hey, Polley." I said, looking in his direction. Carter's grip on the steering wheel got tighter.

"What did you just call me?" I suddenly grew a pair of balls.

A light laugh escaped from my lips. "Polley. As in Rolley Polley. You know, those bugs that are fat and-" his booming voice cut me off.

"Dont be a lil' Bitch. Just because you be  leavin my care don't mean I can't make your life a living hell." He removed his right hand from the steering wheel and gave me one fatal blow to the cheek.

That fucking hurt. I opened and closed my jaw to stop the stinging that occured on my skin. "Did you go to school?" I asked him, with no response back. "Because did anyone ever tell you how bad your English can get."

He snarled at me with those beastly eyes. That damn 'I'd regret saying that' Bullshit was starting to piss me off. I didnt regret calling him Polley nor did I even think twice about bashing on his grammar. I didn't care that I was being sold to someone else.

I watched the sunrise the whole ride there, we left early in the morning way before the sky was lit.

What was happening with my life? Being a little girl I never once pictured me in this type of situation. I was about to graduate high school and go on with my life. I was so happy...

The car came to an abrupt stop as the brakes screeched in front of a house, it was in the middle of no where. But damn, was it beautiful. Maybe it was exactly what I fantasized last night but it sure as hell was better.

It wasn't like any normal house. It was a log cabin. The outside was a light brown in color and the grass was perfect green. The only terrifying part was if I screamed, no one could hear me....

I was told to get out of the car and by the reaction I received from Carter, I guess it wasn't fast enough. "Move you little Bitch." he grabbed my arm and yanked me toward his fat covered body and slapped me again, leaving that stinging feeling on my cheek. I let out a yelp and gripped my skin but before I could respond with a sarcastic a word I heard a deep yet sexy voice call after us.

"Carter. Don't be hurting my reward now." He chuckled and approached us, stepping down the steps. I instantly felt butterflies. He was so attractive, not a day over 22. He has soft brown hair that was gelled to the side. My eyes got lost, looking him up and down. Tattoos covered both arms. His orbs matched the color of his hair. The mysterious man wore a black and red button up flannel and a pair of loose jeans. I gulped as he got closer and closer to me.

12 feet.... 10 feet... 7 feet... finally 3.. 2..

"Wow. She is beautiful." He was now standing inches away from my quivering body. The way his thumb caressed my cheeks had me in such a trans. All I could do was stare...

Carter let go of my wrist and stood back, jealousy taking over his eyes because he knew I never looked at him like that and it drove him crazy.

"Come on precious. We better get you in." That voice. So deep. So hot. I gently smiled, more nervous than ever...

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