Chapter 1: The Old and the New

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(Old Freddy's Point of View)

I awoke from my long sleep to find myself in a dark room. I switched to night vision and looked around. My friends were a mess. I looked over to the far end of the room. Shadow, Bandit, and Shadow were lying there with pieces missing. Phoenix and Spirit were in perfect condition. I examined myself and I didn't look too bad off.

I shook Bonnie to get his attention.

"Wake up," I said.

"Huh?" He asked tiredly.

"My internal clock reads ten o' clock," I told him. "It is past closing time."

"Why are you waking me up then?" He asked.

"Look around you," I said. "We are in a dark storage room and you have no face."

He reached up and felt where his face should be. He started to panic a bit.

"It will be okay Bonnie," I told him. "We will find your face and reattach it."

"Where is Spirit?" He asked. "I could give a shit less about my face as long as he is okay."

"He is over in that corner," I said, pointing in Spirit's direction. "He and Phoenix had it better than us."

"Don't fret," Bonnie told me. "I wouldn't want him to look like us. It would make me sad to know he got hurt."

Bonnie walked over and sat next to Spirit. Spirit seemed to notice and stirred.

"What a pleasant face to wake up to," Spirit said.

"I have no face," Bonnie said.

"You have your endoskeleton face," Spirit responded getting up to hug him.

I became a little jealous and upset because I didn't have anyone. You may wonder if I still love Shadow. Deep down inside of me I do, but I can't be with him if he is evil. I walked over and nudged Shadow with my foot.

"Ugh what time is it?" He asked "yawning". The yawn is programmed and is not like a human yawn. "Fazbear? I am so glad to see you! Where are my arms?! What happened to me?!"

I placed an arm around him to comfort him and whispered in his ear.

"No good comes from evil," I told him.

"I understand that now," He replied. "I don't feel that same evil streak I had. Where are we anyway?"

"We are in a new restaurant in Parts and Services," Spirit said.

"Why are you in one piece?" Shadow asked Spirit.

"I didn't get involved with that quarrel y'all got into," Spirit replied. "We fixed the problem that you caused."

"Ingrates," Shadow mumbled. "Wait, where is my hat?"

He limped to the door and looked out.

"This place is huge," He continued. "I am going to go and search for my hat."

"I am going to look for my face," Bonnie said.

"I am going with Bonnie," Spirit said.

"Let's get everyone awake," I suggested. I let out a screech and everyone was on their feet. "Let's go and check this place out."

My group and I walked down the halls. We stopped at the stage area.

"Well that is new," I said, checking out the plastic animatronics. The bear snapped awake. I fell back against the wall.

"What are you all doing outside of the storage room?" The bear asked.

"We are just taking a look around," I replied.

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