Chapter 3: The Trouble Begins

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(Old Freddy's Point of View)

The door opened and Toy Foxy was still staring into the camera.

"Maybe we did accidently set him there," I said. "He didn't even flinch when the door opened."

I walked slowly into the room. I paused as I entered the room.

"Greetings," Toy Foxy said in a normal voice without static. I froze in fear. He walked away from the cam and over to me.

"They shut you down," I said.

"They flipped the switch in the back of Toy Foxy's head," The thing controlling Toy Foxy said. "I was able to breach the system, overriding his power switch."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You will know in due time," It said. "The old ones do not have modern technology and will get to see all of this come crashing down. I want to show them that nothing is one hundred percent safe."

"You are some sort of hacker," I inferred. "Why would you waste your time hacking the systems of a pizzeria?"

"This 'pizzeria' took the life of someone close to me," The hacker said. "You killed him Freddy, and I will see you dismantled. First, I want to bring this place to its knees."

Toy Foxy's body walked and stood in front of me.

"I will dismantle Shadow right in front of you and make you watch," He let out a laugh.

"I would like to see you try to take me on you mangled piece of plastic!" Shadow yelled.

"Try me," It said with a grin.

Shadow charged forward and tackled it.

"Last chance to change your mind," Shadow said.

"Never," It said.

Shadow stepped on its face until it was smashed.

"That is what I hoped you would say," Shadow walked away from Toy Foxy. I followed him and sealed the door.

"You know that hacker is still in the mainframe and you just smashed Toy Foxy," I said.

"That was not Toy Foxy anymore," Shadow responded.

"Let's go and tell Toy Phoenix," I sighed.

"How many animatronics will have the same fate?" Shadow said, hugging me as we walked.

"Well you know that whoever it is wants me dead," I stated gloomily.

"Don't sound so upset," Shadow said. "I will not let him hurt you. I may have to make a deal with the All-Knowing though."

"I would rather die than you sell your gears to that fake," I told him.

"Fine I will not make a deal with the puppet," He said. "I will protect you though."

We arrived at the backstage area. Toy Phoenix was resting in a corner.

"T.P.," I said, waking him up.

"May I help you with something?" He asked politely.

"Toy Foxy was breached by a hacker," I told him. "He has been destroyed."

Toy Phoenix fell silent. After a minute of sitting there, he ran to Kid's Cove. He reached the doorway and fell to his knees.

"Who is responsible for this?" He asked, not turning to face us.

"Well a hacker hacked him, but Shadow smashed his face," I said.

"He did not deserve this fate," T.P. said.

The Struggles of Good and Evil 2: He Who has the Last  laugh Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ