Chapter 4: A Plan of Hope or Despair

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(Fred's Point of View)

I was placed on foot patrol of the restaurant. I had to check every room and make sure everything was normal. I had help from Freddy and the Toys. We had to make sure our hacker was not in the restaurant. I searched the mainframe for any possible vulnerable spots, but it said there were no breaches. This leads me to conclude the hacker is an engineer.

My theory: The hacker got a job here as an engineer soon after hearing of his love one's death. He took the opportunity when he found out they were making a new and secure restaurant. Now we need to find out who.

I pulled up a list of all engineers. I narrowed the list by searching those with recent deaths in their families. There were three of them. Two of them were still active. One of them had a criminal charge for hacking a security system of a high end retail store. Where does the company find these people?

We are not law enforcement, so all of this was theory. I was going to leave little hints here and there for the company to see. In the meantime, i was going to have to watch my back.

I told Shade about our possible hacker.

"That makes a lot of sense," Shade said not too surprised. "The engineers create the security systems and know ways around them. How are you going to convince the company though?"

"We are going to play his game," I said. "We go along with this hacking thing. Sure it is dangerous, but we have to do it. He is going to hack into us. The old ones are going to have to stall us long enough for the company to find out. They are strong enough and can hold us back. I actually see potential with Freddy and trust him not to destroy me."

"You are playing with one hell of a fire here," Shade said.

"You know we do not have a choice," I told him. "Let me tell Freddy and the others before it is too late."

"Very well," Shade said realizing I was right. I found Freddy on the Cam and ran up to him.

"What do you want?" He asked kind of cross.

"Freddy, you know me and you are brothers," I told him. "We share the same name."

"Your point?" He asked.

"That being said, I trust you with my life," I replied. He narrowed his eyes.

"Now you say this?" He responded. "What about these few days I have been active? You have been spiteful towards me."

"Give me a second chance, this is important," I said, giving him a hug.

"Alright I will hear what you have to say," He said hugging back. "Do not throw me under the bus three days later."

I told him my plan. He seemed to not be too happy with it, but no one could think of anything better.

"Now as we all know, there are no cams in the bathroom," I went on. "That is a safety zone for you all. There are no safe rooms here. The bathroom doors lock and are made of steel. They should keep you all safe. Someone has to stall us, but you cannot destroy us. That is where me trusting you with my life comes in."

"I see," He said. "Well let's get on with this."

"Opening mainframe...lowering security...allowing potential threats...command confirmed," I said. "Now we wait..."

(Old Freddy's Point of View)

I cannot believe this. I have only been active a few days and I am already trusted with the life of Fred. I went back to the spare closet where mama Chica was and told her to get to a safe place. She was worried about me of course, but she knew I was more than strong enough to handle this.

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