Chapter 2: Minor Technical Difficulties

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(Toy Foxy's Point of View *MALE*)

The day was long and terrible. I had missing pieces and damage to my voice box. The kids are too rough and I do not have a "do not touch" sign like the others. The parents did not care, they just let their kids damage me.

"Hi there Toy Foxy," Toy Phoenix greeted me. We have been dating since the storage facility.

"Hi…there…T. Phoenix," I said through the static of my damaged voice box.

"What happened?" He asked hugging me.

"Those…kids…have…no…respect…for…personal…space," I replied.

"You poor thing," He said worriedly. "How can I fix you?"

"Save…my…parts…for…a…worse…time," I told him.

"I hope it does not get worse," He said sadly. I placed my endoskeleton hand on his shoulder.

"It…will…be…okay," I assured him smiling. He smiled also then walked out of the room.

I still had my ability to walk, so I went to the stage.

"Whoa what happened to you?" Fred asked.

"You…already…know," I replied. "I…do…not…have…a…do…not…touch…sign."

"You got pretty banged up," Fred said. "This did not happen opening day."

"This…happened…because…one…kid…was…setting…a…bad…example," I told him.

"Well let me fix you," Fred suggested. "I have the repair instructions in my memory banks."

"Save…my…parts…for…if…this…gets…worse," I declined in a calm voice.

"Alright," Fred responded.

"Where is Toy Bonnie?" Chic asked.

"He is backstage with Toy Spirit," Fred replied.

"I wanted to compliment him on his performance, but he ran off to fast," Chic said.

"You know how much he loves Toy Spirit," Fred responded laughing.

"I…am…off…to…find…Toy…Phoenix," I said walking away.

"Be careful Mangle," Fred said snickering.

"What…did…you…just…call…me?" I asked walking up to him.

"I just called you Mangle because you got all mangled up," Fred shrugged.

"Do…not…call…me…that," I growled.

"What will you do if I do call you that?" Fred asked.

"Want…to…call…me…it…and…find…out?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Mangle," He said running off. I chased after him furiously. I was able to catch him because I was faster.

"Hello Toy Foxy, no hard feelings?" He said as I tackled him.

"We…will…see…who…the…mangled…one…is," I went to hit him, but I went into emergency system shutdown.

(Fred's Point of View)

All of the Toy animatronics got the alert of Mangle's shut down. I rolled out from under him.

"What happened here?" Toy Shadow, our repair expert for when the engineers are absent, asked. He examined Toy Foxy looking for any vulnerable spots.

"He just suddenly shut down," I said.

"What happened to him?" Shade asked. "He has damage to parts of his costume and his voice box."

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