우리는 매일 같은 똥을 다시한다.
We redo the same shit every day
"I need table 7 order Hoseok!" Jennifer shout, Hoseok standing by the coffee maker, suddenly lost into his own little world, that world consisting of the tan skin girl with her ruffled curls and her stuffed animal horse.
"Hoseok!" Shaking his shoulder, Hoseok jumps a little, him looking over his shoulder to see an ticked off Jennifer standing behind him.
"So-Sorry. I'll get to it." Hoseok mumbles, grabbing a empty mug, inserting it under the maker before starting the machine, it rumbling a little bit before it slowly pouring the black liquid. Moving past her, he walks over the other side, Jennifer shaking her head at him before heading back to the register.
Walking through the entrance was Yoongi and Jimin, dressed in their uniform, Jimin fumbling with the pin of his name tag while Yoongi mopes to the back, already feeling Jennifer's glare.
"Look who decide to show up to work 3 hours late."
"Sorry I had more important things to do."
"Like what?" Jennifer crosses her arms, Yoongi glaring at her.
"Trying to figure out why you're always a pain in my ass." Yoongi says, showing off his gummy smile before he frowns, walking by Jennifer who couldn't help but glare, her hatred towards him slowly increasing along with her heart rate from his presence.
"Thank god you're here." Namjoon says, patting Yoongi and Jimin's shoulders.
"Where's Hoseok?"
"He's currently helping Jennifer with the orders but she's been bossing us around like her little servants."
"Doesn't she do that on a daily?" Yoongi asked, clocking himself in, putting his ticket back into his little slot.
"Yeah but usually, we're able to tolerate but today she's been a real bitch." Namjoon said, Jimin chuckling.
"That's Jennifer for you."
"This isn't gossip hour so get your asses to work." Jennifer yelled through the doorway, Yoongi rolling his eyes.
"Knew I shouldn't have come." Yoongi mumbles, him grabbing his notepad from the counter, heading out onto the floor to do the job he dreads the most.
Working non stop for a few hours, Jennifer finally let the boys have a break, the other midday shift employees taking over their spots. Sitting down in a empty booth, the boys take out their phones along with their bags of lunch that Jimin so kindly arranged for him and his hyungs.
"Finally able to get off my feet." Taking off his shoes, Namjoon rests his legs on Hoseok's lap, Hoseok pushing them off once he got a whiff of his smelly feet.
"Put your shoes back on. It smells like rotten eggs." Hoseok says, plugging his nose while Namjoon playfully waves his feet around Hoseok's face.
"And you wonder why I never take you guys anywhere." Yoongi mumbles, glaring at Namjoon and Hoseok's immature behavior.
"Hey hyung isn't that Indya over there?" Jimin asked, pointing across the cafe, Yoongi looking over to caught a glimpse of Indya's curly hair.
"Who are you looking at?" Hoseok turns around, taking a glance at Indya waiting behind an customer by the register.
"So that's the famous Indya Jimin keeps talking about. Hmmm who knew that Yoongi had game." Hoseok says, smirking at Yoongi who just stared at him with a blank expression.

save me + m.yg
Fanfiction'give me your hand..save me, save me' ©notnotae book 1 & 2 combined Discontinued since 2021