나에게 두 번째 기회를 줘라. 나는 내가 너에게 필요한 사람이라는 것을 너에게 증명할 것이다.
Give me a second chance and I'll prove to you that I'm the one you need+
Walking into her apartment after a long day of work, Crystal places her keys on the counter as she takes off her shoes, her walking back to the tile part of the doorway to place her shoes there before her bare feet greet the warm but soft carpet.
She grabs her phone from her pocket when she felt the sudden vibration, her looking down to see the notifications of text messages from either her family or friends but one from a certain person caught her attention as she avoid all the other ones like they didn't exist.
Opening up the message, Crystal lets her eyes skim through the message as a smile slowly appears on her face, her heart racing while butterflies start flying around in her stomach from just that small message of words formed in a sentence that wouldn't mean anything to another else but means the whole world to her.
She clicks on the text box as she lets her fingers fly quickly across the screen while she stares at it with glee, her giggling like a school girl talking to her crush for the first time.
But she wasn't the only one with a smile glued onto their face as not too far from her, Hoseok was laying in his bed with his phone resting in his hands, him smiling at the screen when he received Crystal's message, her message bringing a bright smile on his face as he replies back quickly. The two adults texting each other non stop like a bunch of middle schoolers.
Laying herself down on the couch, Crystal just stays glued on her phone as she didn't even realized the unlocking of her front door where her mother and her daughter walked in, her daughter rushing towards her mother as she jumped on her.
"Hey my little monster."
"Hi mommy."
"How was the day with grandma?" Crystal asked.
"It was great. We went to the park and I made some new friends and then we went to get ice cream. You should of came mommy."
"I wish but mommy had work today but maybe on one of mommy's day off, we can go together with grandma and maybe grandpa." Crystal said with a smile, Danielle smiling back at her.
"Why don't you go into your room and play for a little bit while I talk to mommy." Crystal's mother said, Danielle rushing off to her room as she left Crystal and her grandmother in the living room.
"What did you want to talk about mom?" Crystal said, her sitting up right as her mother takes a seat besides her.
"Just wanted to catch up on my daughter and maybe wonder why she was laying on the couch giggling like a school girl." Her mother says, Crystal blushing with embarrassment from the thought of her mother witness that.
"Oh nothing."
"You sure it's not about a certain someone. Their name starting with a H."
"How'd you know?"
"Danielle mentioned about someone named Hobi to your father and I one day and said how she is friends with him. So mind telling me what's going on."
"Nothing really. We just reconnected and maybe went on a date a couple days ago." Crystal said, whispering the last part hoping her mother wouldn't catch it but she catch it loud and clear.
"A date huh?"
"Yeah but it was just a friendly date. Nothing else." Crystal's mother couldn't help but laugh which brings confusion on Crystal's face.

save me + m.yg
Fanfiction'give me your hand..save me, save me' ©notnotae book 1 & 2 combined Discontinued since 2021