우리 모두는 우리 내부에 악을 가지고 있습니다. 그것은 당신이 그것을 어떻게 사용 하느냐에 달려 있습니다.
We all have evil inside of us. It just depends on how you use that
Pulling up to the warehouse, Jimin puts the car in park, him looking through the windshield as he takes in the scenery of the place he never imagined he ever be but here he is, doing the job that he never wanted. He glances down at his phone as the screen lights up with the picture of him and Jennie a few years back at her high school graduation.
Smiling down at the photo, Jimin couldn't help the feeling for guilt in his heart as he realizes the things he is doing just to protect her. He knew that if Jennie ever found out what he really does, she wouldn't approve not one bit which is what Jimin fears the most.
He knows that this job should of been the last job to apply for but he was desperate need for money to help his sister out and if putting his life in danger was the only way to save his sister and keep her life going then that's what Jimin was gonna do no matter the consequences that come along with this horrible job.
Locking the screen, Jimin gets out of his car as he sees Ruby walking towards him with a folder in his hand. He closes the door behind him before he starts heading towards the man, Ruby meeting him halfway as he hands him the folder.
"What's this?" Jimin asked while opening it.
"This is all the information we could find on Davis Mill. His criminal records, his current addresses along with his employees names and the shipments he has sent out recently over the past few months. Martin said that there isn't much more information on him since he likes to keep himself off the radar at all times."
"Makes sense if he's making these many shipments in just a few months. Do you know where these shipments are heading to?"
"Majority of them are sent overseas to North America where the big dealers are located at. Some of them have been transferred here to work him but we couldn't get any information on those dealers."
"What about his employees now? Any record of them taking pictures of people?"
"No but he does have a side kick that always does his dirty work for him. His name is Richard Kimmels." Ruby says as the two of them finally enter the warehouse where Martin's employees were rushing around loading up the trucks while the others were busy packing up the weapons in suitcases.
"Jimin the man I've been looking for." Martin shout out, Jimin looking up to see Martin himself, walking down the staircase with two bodyguards behind him.
Jimin closes the folder as he hands it back to Ruby, Ruby taking it as he watches Jimin walk over to Martin with a hint of concern in his eyes. Walking up to the older man, Jimin waits by the staircase as Martin takes his last step, him walking over to Jimin where he engulfed him into a hug which Jimin didn't return back.
"Why in such a sour mood my boy?"
"Do you have the coordinates of where Davis Mill is?"
"Straight to the point I see."
"I like to get this done and over with before he gets away again."
"I see." Snapping his fingers, one of the guards behind Martin takes out a folded piece of paper before handing it over to Jimin who accepts it.
"They're having a new shipment later on tonight at this location. Davis will be there supervising the whole thing but beware that he has his full army of guards there to keep intruders out."
"Will his side kick Richard Kimmels be there as well?"
"Most likely but if you wanna take care of him, I advise you try to get him alone first before you attack Davis." Martin says as Jimin nods his head, taking in all the information he needs.
"William and some of the others will be here, navigating the area and telling you when it's the right time. So make sure to keep your ear pieces on and be high alert."
"Anything else I need to know about him before I go?"
"Davis isn't the easiest person to take down as he likes to take up an challenge so be careful with him because he ain't stupid. He's been in the game longer than you and I so he knows every trick there is." Martin says, him grabbing Jimin's shoulder as he looks at the boy with seriousness in his eyes along with a hint of worry.
"Come back alive Park Jimin. For us and for your sister." Jimin nods his head as he looks down at the address, him closing the paper back up before walking off with Ruby by his side, Martin watching him walk off into the darkness.
"Make me proud my son." Martin whispered, him hoping for the best for the boy as he walks into an dangerous battlefield that would be a hell of a war to escape from.
Sitting in the passenger seat, Jimin looks out the window as the car was filled with silent between Ruby and him, the other boys in the back of the van, making sure that the weapons are secure.
Ruby glances over Jimin as he notice his quiet attire, him worried about Jimin getting too lost in his thoughts, him talking himself out the deal and the plan all going down to shit.
"Park you good?"
"You sure?" Ruby asked as Jimin glanced over at him.
Ruby may not seem like the type of person that would check on anyone since he's been through some real shit having this job but for some reason with Jimin, he treats him like his little brother since he's been partnered up with him since his first day. Even when Jimin was scared shitless to hold a gun, Ruby was there to calm him and take him through the process, him always being there whenever he need talk of encouragement.
But seeing him now turned into someone like him but worse worries the shit out of Ruby as Jimin is slowly becoming like Martin and forgetting the soft, kindness side of himself.
"Why you asked?"
"Because I know you Park and you being this quiet can only mean that you're overthinking the situation."
"I'm not." Jimin says, him glancing back over to the window.
"Jimin, I know you are doing this for the sake of your sister and I understand that feeling but just....don't go too far okay." Ruby says.
Jimin turns towards him as he stares at him with confusion but the look in Ruby's eyes tells him everything, the only person he can ever trust is worried for his own good, that being him changing to the person he never wanted to become.
Jimin just nods his head, him looking back out the window as the quiet ride continues on, Jimin looking down at the necklace him and Jennie had ever since they were kids, it being a symbol of their sibling love between each other. To always return back to each other safe and sound no matter how dangerous the situation they wind up being in.
He grabs hold of the necklace, Jimin closing his eyes as he sends a quick prayer to his sister and God, praying that he comes out this alive and that everything will go back to normal after this. But Jimin knew that can only happen if he completes this mission on his own with luck by his side.
Feeling the car stop, Jimin opens his eyes to see that they have arrived at the destination, the beaten down warehouse not to far from where they parked.
"You ready for shit to hit the fan?" Jimin nods his head so he loads up his gun, him placing it behind his back as the two load out the car along with the other members, them getting ready for the worse battle of their lives.
followA/n: this chapter will be split into two so the fight scene will be in the next chapter.

save me + m.yg
Fanfiction'give me your hand..save me, save me' ©notnotae book 1 & 2 combined Discontinued since 2021