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Hhmmph.. M so ang.. Angry today..

Daddy is so careless..

You know what while taking care of mommy and me.. He is neglecting his health..

Mommy and I heard Buiii scolding Daddy because he forgot to take his medicines and was feeling weak..

Daddy.. Let me just come outside.. I will teach you some good lessons for this..

You just shout on others but I will shout on you..

Just come today.. Mommy and I are not going to talk to you at all..

Eeeeee.. That's Pari di.. With Buiii.. (Pari- Anjali and Shyam's one year daughter.. And yes.. Shyam is a positive character.. What-so-ever.. This FS is meant solely for Arshi and her parents.. With little bit of others.. Cuteness is the KEY INGREDIENT based on a random thought which came to my mind)

Wow.. She is looking so beautiful with that Bow clip..

I want that too.. I will ask Daddy to bring one for me too.. Yiiiiiiiii.. Happy Dance.. Happy Dance.. 💃💃

Mommy is again shrieking..
I forgot that my happy dance would make Mommy uncomfortable..

Sorry Mommy.. Muuaah.. Kissie..

Di.. I felt like your Chote's Choti kissed me.. My mommy told Buiii with excitement and my cheeks were red with Blush.. 😚😚

Yes Mommy.. I did that..
And I loved my nickname Mommy.. Ch.. Chote's Choti.. Wwwwwiiiii.. 💖💖

I know Buiii calls Chote to Daddy.. I will also call him Chote when I come out.. Ehehe🙈🙈

What the.. Ehehe.. Ehehe.. 😂😂Stop patting on Mommy's tummy Pari Di.. Its tickling me here..

Wait.. Let me just come out then I will tease you bht saara (alot).. Just 10 days more.. Yaaaaaaaay..

Then I will play with you.. And Laxmi and with Buiii and Fufuu.. And with Chachu and Maasi.. And with Dadi and Badi Dadi and with Nanu.. Nani and Buiii Nani..

Aaaaannnnnnnnnnd.. Most With Mommy and Daddy..

Ohh.. M so tirreedd.. How does Mommy speaks whole day?

Haaaaawwwwwhhh.. Pari Di is eating Choco.. Chocolate..
Mujhe bhi.. Mujhe bhi.. (Me too.. Me too..)

Huh.. I just want to come out.. God ji.. Please naa..

I want to come out of Mommy's tummy.. When will you do that?

Okk.. Let's seal a deal..
You send me to Mommy and Daddy now and I will ask Mommy to give you bhut sari (alot) Ladoos and Jalebis..

Uh.. Oh.. God ji.. Why are you smirking at me?

I know.. I know.. You won't do that before 10 days..

Sad pout.. Please..


Uuooo.. What is this soft.. Soft and cozy.. Cozy..

Oooooooooo.. Its a sweater..
Mommy did you weave it for me?
Its so beautiful Mommy..
I love it..
Thank you Mommy..
Make me wear it once I come to you..