Chapter 12

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"Hey." I look up from my locker and see Josh smiling.

"Oh, hi Josh.... What do you want?"

"Nothing, it's just you weren't here yesterday. And we are partner's for home ec."

"What are we even partner's for?"

"Well in like two weeks we get like these fake babies to take care of, and well, were partner's for it."

"Oh, that will" I say with a small smile.

"Yeah, well, see you on Chemistry ." He says walking away to Chemistry.

I pick my things back up and walk to Chemistry as well. I sit beside Josh and take notes.

~After School~

I go to my locker and put in the combination and open it. I put all of my things in my bag, then I close my locker. Emily has a ride with Jacob. So I'm glade about that because I have my appointment in 5 minutes.

Once I reach my car I start it and drive to the hostpitle. I arrive in 3 minutes. I get out and walk into the hospital. There is a older only woman mid 60's at the information desk and I go up to her.

"Hello, what can I help you with dear?" She kindly asks.

"I was wondering where Dr. Lenoxs office is."

"Right up the stairs  to the left and 3rd door to the right."

"Thank you." I say walking up the stairs, I eventually get to his office and see a lady at a small desk on the computer.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes I do, my names Hallie."

"Hallie Daxter?" She asks.

"Yes." I say sitting down.

She gives me some paper work to do. It takes about 10 minutes to fill it all out. I walk back up and hand it to her.

"He'll be with you in a minute. "

~10 minutes later ~
'Minute my ass, it's been about 10 mimutes.' I think to myself. A door opens and a younger guy comes out, looks like he's in his 20s.

"Hallie Daxter I presume?" He asks looking at me. I stand up.

"Yes." I say with a small smile.

"Come with me." He turns around and walks back into the room, I follow him into the room. He closes the door.

"So you're here because you think you're pregnant and want to make sure?" He asks looking at his computer.

"Um...yes, I took a pregnancy test at home, and it said positive. But, there not always right, and so I made an appointment sure." I say looking down.

"You're 15 correct?"

"Yes, in 2 months I'll be 16."

"Why isn't your mother or father here?"

"Umm...well my mom doesn't know anything about this, no one dose. And my dad...he left us 3 months ago.."

"Sorry to here that, now please lay down on the bed and lift your shirt up please." He says standing up with a bottle of something in his hand.

I get on the bed and lift my shirt past my stomach. He turns on a ultrasound scanning machine thing and turns the lights off. He then puts the gel on my stomach, and I flinch only because it's cold. He then puts a scanner piece on the gel and moves it around. He looks at the screen, and stops moving the scanner. He types something in the machine and the image freezes. He set the scanner down. And then he points to a dark spot on the screen.

"Do you see this small dot about the size of a marble?"


"Well that's your baby." He says with a small smile.

"So.. I really am pregnant..."

"Yes. And there are some options too."

"About the baby?"

"Yes, you could give it up for adoption, or theres... abortion. "

"Definitely not abortion...and I don't know about adoption either, I wouldn't want to live my life knowing I have a kid somewhere living with complete strangers..."

"Just think about it for awhile. I'll make you an appointment when your 10 weeks along." He says whipping the gel off of my stomach.

"Okay, thank you." I say standing up.

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