Chapter 20

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~Time Skip To 20 Weeks Pregnant~

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slowly open my eyes, I grab my phone and turn the alarm off. I look over and see Josh. I smile because he's never left my side. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me

"Hey, you going to school today?" He asks as he yawns.

"Yeah, I can't hide forever." I say sitting up.

"Remember what we talked about? Don't listen to what anybody says. And ignore Cameron as much as you can.." He says sitting up then standing.

"I know, it's hard to do that, I mean he's my brother, but....if he doesn't want anything to do with me then.. that's his choice.."

"Just don't think about it, I don't want you stressing about it, it's not-"

"It's not good for the baby, I know." I say with a small smile and walk over to him and hug him. He gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Lets get ready for school." He walks over to a dresser and grabs a pair of jeans and a ACDC shirt and gose and changes. I grab a shirt and a pair of black leggings that have a design of red lines on the sides. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower.

Once out of the shower I put on my clothes, when I put my shirt on I could see my bump, it's bigger then it was a week ago. I walk out and see Josh grabbing mine and his bags.

"Emilys mom made some pancakes if you want any." He says smiling.

"I'm actually not hungry right now, I'll just eat at school."

"At least have an apple, please. "


I follow Josh into the kitchen and see Emily eating some pancakes. I walk up to the table and grab an apple out of the fruit bowl. I take a few bites.

"Today in home ec we get the fake babies.." Josh says taking a drink of water.

"It would be good practice for us, also I have an appointment after school, for a check up." I reply.

"You guys can take my car, I'll just ride the bus." Emily says.

"Emily..are you sure?"

"Yes Hallie of course, now, I have to go, the bus is here, see you at school." She says hugging me and leaves.

I go to grab my shoes but being pregnant it's hard to bend over. Josh realizes what I'm trying to do and he grabs my shoes and helps put them on. Once were both ready we walk out to Emily's car and Josh droves us to school.

~At school~

I get out of the car and grab my bag from the back. Josh also gets his bag and walks into the school beside me. When I walk in there are people staring at me, I look down trying to avoid people. I hear people saying-

"She's the girl that got knocked up by her brothers friend."

"Her mother kicked her out when she found out."

"She's pregnant because she's such a slut."

"Her brother hates her."

I try my best to ignore them, I go to my locker as Josh gose to his. I open my locker and I'm shocked at what see. I see family pictures torn to shreds. A tear gose down my cheek but I quickly whip it away. I move the shredded pictures and set my stuff in the locker and grab my things I would need for home ec.

I walk into the class room and some people star when I walk in. I go to the back of the room and sit beside Josh. He gives me a reassuring smile.

"Okay today Class you are getting your fake babies. This will be good practice for you guys." Mrs. Higgins says. "The guys will grab the bag that has everything the babies will need, the girls will grab the babies, these babies will be just like real ones, they feel real, they cry, pee, poop, drink, and you have to burp them. Now you may go get them from the back."

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