Chapter 16

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"You rember the party.."

"How could I forget...but, what's wrong?"

"Please don't get mad...promise me..."

"Um..okay, I promise not to get mad at what you're about to tell me.."

"Josh," I take a deep breath and say, " I'm pregnant."

He stares at me blankly saying nothing. "Josh say something please..."

"Are you it even mine...are you joking.."

"I'm positive I'm pregnant. I've had 2 docter appointments, and I took a test before the appointments. And your the only guy I've ever had sex with.." I say watching him sit down at my desk.

"..Im not ready to be a dad...and I'm almost done with high school... And I have college..."

" So you're gonna leave me alone with your baby.... your not going to do anythi-"

"Get rid of it."

"..what did you just say.." I ask in disbelief and stand up.

"I SAID GET RID OF IT! I can't have a kid right now!" He yells standing up.

"Fuck you! I'm not getting rid of my baby! I'm keeping it and that's final. How the hell could you say get rid of it... you're It's fucking dad! Whether you like it or not, I'm carrying your baby and I'm not getting rid of it!"

"You're fucking 15, you have your whole life ahead of you and-" I cut him off and say,

"Yeah, I have my whole life ahead of me, and I don't want to live knowing I gave up my baby!"

"You shouldn't have a kid at 15!"

" I guess you should of thought about that before you fucked me at that party, this is your fault Josh!"

"You should have stoped me!"

"I was fucking drunk and you should have used protection! All of this is your fault, you kissed me, you fucked me, you got me pregnant, and this is how it's working out!"

"Well I'm sorry!"

"Sorry won't cut it Josh....I thought you were better then this...I thought you would step up and be a dad...guess I thought wrong..." I wisper, but loud enough he can hear me.

"No.....I'm Sorry okay.... I'm just very shocked by this information okay.... I'm sorry...give me time to adjust..and we'll figure this out and-"

"Just get the hell out.."


"GET OUT!" I yell, and with that he's out the door. I sit down on my bed and look at the ultra sound picture, then set it on my desk and start crying.

Emily's POV-

I see Josh speed out of the driveway and I run up to Hallies room and see her crying.

"... Hallie what happend...?" I ask her. She tells me everything that happend and I sit there and hold her in my arms as she crys.

~The next day, Thrusday~

I wake up and see Hallie still asleep, I look at the alarm. It's only 6:45am. I lay back down and go back to sleep.

~15 minutes later~

I look up and see Hallies not beside me. I stand up and look around. Then I see the bathroom light on. I walk into the bathroom and see Hallie hovering over the toilet. I get on my knees and rub her back.

"Everythings gonna be okay, plus I'm sure Josh will come around.." I say reassuringly.

"I hope so...but I don't know, he said he couldn't have a kid right now..."

"But then he apologized, you never know, give time Hallie."

"I will...I'll try not to stress over it."

"Good, I'll find you some clothes for your appointment since they moved it to today at 10 am." I say standing up and walking to her dresser.

She stands up and sits on her bed, looking at the ultra sound picture. I grab a baggy shirt and loose pants for her.

"Here you go, this should be comfortable, plus it looks good together at the same time. " I say smiling at her and setting them down beside her.

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