Chapter 34

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(A/N hey guys, sorry for the time skip but I got lazy, I'm sure I'm not the only one lol, also Hallie is now 20 years old, any ways enjoy.)

~5 years later, Hallies POV~

"Mommy, mommy I want that" Jordan says pointing at a doll. I smile and pick it up. $13.99 says the price.

"You want this one? Any others?" I ask setting the doll in the cart beside her.

"Hey. " I jump slightly, and turn around to the voice.

"Oh, hi Aaron. You scared me." I say with a smile.

You guys remember Aaron right? My crush back in high school. Although I never finished school we kept in contact. He's actually been helping with Jordan for the past year. Josh left us a few days after Jordan's first birthday, only because I found out he had been cheating on me with almost 10 other girls. Cameron dosnt talk that much to him when he found out about it. I raised Jordan by myself for 3 years. Emily went to collage, she's still there, same as Cameron he went to Harvard. As for Alex he's in jail he won't be getting out anytime soon. As for how I've been, I work a job, at Wal-Mart, nothing much but at least I'm payed, Josh dosnt pay child support, so I'm low on cash but, I always have spare cash to spend on Jordan, I'd do anything for her. Aaron buys things for her, he also buys things for me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean too." He says and smiles at Jordan.

"Its fine, how'd you find me?" I ask

"There's not many cars at Dollar Genrall on Sundays, so I saw your car in the parking lot from the road." He says pointing in the direction of the parking lot.

"Oh yeah, that's true." I say looking at Jordan playing with the doll.

"How are you doing? With money?" He asks. I look up at him.

"Enough to manage, I always put aside 20% of my check every week for Jordan's things..." I say. Walking down the aisle with Aaron beside me.

"You know I can always lend you cash, you wouldn't even have to pay me back."

"Aaron I couldn't do that.."

"You know how rich I am, I can give you as much money you need, but hey, I won't push it, just seriously, if you need money, ask me." He says rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

"I know Aaron, I just... I hate asking people for money.." I say putting some cereal in the cart.

"I don't care," he says sighing and reaches in his pocket, "Take this. It's only 300 but you can do alot with it."

"Aaron-" he cuts me off.

"Your taking it, please, for me?"

"Fine.." I sigh.

I finish shopping with Aaron, Jordan is walking beside him and they are goofing off. I go to the cash register and put everything up on the counter. He rings everything up.

"The total is $37.69." He says. He's tall, has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and is wearing a black shirt and black jeans, on his shirt is a name tag that says 'Kevin'.

"Okay." I get my wallet out of my pocket and hand him two 20s($40).

"Your change is, $2.32," he gives me the change and the receipt but he writes something on the receipt, "here you go." He says smiling.

"Thanks." I smile back. Jordan comes up to me and smiles at, Kevin.

"She's adorable, is she your neice?" Kevin asks.

"Actually no, she's my-" Jordan cuts me off.

"Mommy let's go I wanna play dolls with Aaron!" She says.

"Oh your daughter, how old are you beautiful. " he asks Jordan.

"I'm gonna be five in December!" She says smiling. Aaron comes up and takes her out to my car watching her protectivly.

"So, you had her young huh?" He asks taking me out of my trance.

"Uh yeah.. 15." I say grabbing a bag of my stuff.

"Oh, nice, if you want to try and make another one give me a call." He says winking and walks to another register. I shake my head and walk out and see Jordan already in the car. Aaron is leaned against the car door waiting. He opens the back door for the bags.

"Thanks." I say putting the bags in the back.

"Yep, so in a few weeks school starts, and she's gonna go to preschool." He says closing the door.

"Yeah, it's gonna feel so weird with out her for seven hours, and I have to take her to school and back, since the bus dosn't come out here." I say walking to the driver side.

"Yeah, if you need company I could always come over." He says smiling.

"Yeah, thanks, I'll text you later." I say getting in the car. I start the car and start driving to the house.

"Mommy look!" Jordan says.

"Mommy can't look right now, I'm driving." I reply. I hear her sigh, I just smile about it. She has times where she can be a bit stubborn. I park on the drive way and unbuckle Jordan. She gets out and runs inside with her doll. I grab a few bags and go inside as well.

I set the bags on the kitchen counter. I look in the living room and see Jordan playing with all her toys. I put all the groceries away and go in the living room.

"I love you mommy." Jordan says walking up hugging me.

"Oh honey I love you too." I say kissing her forehead.

"Mommy, when's daddy coming back?"

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