Chapter 59

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Alicia Clark.

After leaving Carols I headed back to The Kingdom. Carol told me all about her life where she was when the Apocalypse began where she stayed and how she ended up here.

It's dark now I head back to the Kingdom. Elyza should be back.

I walk to the gate and I hear a car behind me and hide in the trees. Behind the car was six more a bunch of men (and a few women) got out I recognized some of the people as the people who took me and Elyza captive and made us come hear to find out Ezekiels secrets. We were supposed to meet him yesterday to inform him on what we knew so far. We didn't.

They line up in from of the gate and start shooting. I keep my hand on the gate and slowly walk around the gate. Once I'm out of there sight I get into The Kingdom with the only other entrance.

I go to Ezekiel but he refuses to leave his says we fight against them. I grab a gun and get into position on top of one of the buildings.


I head back to the Kingdom. Once I get close I hear the sound of gun shots and turn around and go to the hidden entrance (me and Alicia discovered it after a walk) inside I spot Alicia on top of a roof with a gun I get up there with her. First she slaps me for leaving and then hugs me.

I grab a gun and we defend the Kingdom. By the time the battle is over the Kingdom is ruined bloody bodies are strayed across the streets and the building that the food is stocked in is in flames.

Me and Alicia (and the few remaining survivors) and Ezekiel leave the Kingdom.  We talk Carol into coming with us. We go to Alexandria.

2 years later.


I wake up late.  After getting out of bed I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth.  Elyza is in the shower.  I join her. 

After we get out I start cooking breakfast.  Me, Elyza and Zach eat. Then, Elyza drops are son (Zach) off at Linda's place where she teaches the young kids.

We got Zach about a year ago.  He's 7. He was brought here by his parents, they went on a run and never came back. 

After doing the dishes I go next door to see my mom.  We found everyone a while ago.  My mom and Nick were with Travis and Chris at a camp in another state. Ofelia was by herself but we managed to find her too.

My mom and Travis live next door.  Ofelia and Nick live down the road and Travis stays with Strand across the street.

She shows me her how well her garden is doing and then Carl (Ricks son) stops by to help her with the sink problem she been having. I leave and go to  Elyza while she's on watch.


After dropping off Zach me and Rick go on a run to get supplies, kill some walkers, and come back.

It's my turn to go on watch so I climb the ladder.  I sit down and start reading a book Alicia recommended. 

"Hey!" Alicia says as she climbs up the ladder and sits beside me. "So, what do you think?" She asks gesturing to the book.

"It's pretty good."

We look out at our camp.

"So, what do you think?" I ask.

"I think we're going to survive, and be happy." She replies.

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