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The night was cold. Theodosia Burr looked back at her country, her home, her father and his colleagues worked so hard to build. But she wasn't thinking about her father, no, she was thinking about her beloved Philip Hamilton, the eldest of the Hamilton-Schuyler clan. It was a fierce love, that no one could deny.

The boat rocked dangerously as storm clouds filled the sky, yet Theodosia made no effort to retreat into the cabin. She was too lost, reminiscing over her forbidden time spent with her father's enemy, wondering what could have happened if things had been different. Maybe her father wouldn't be considered a murderer, maybe Philip would be following in his own father's footsteps, maybe she would be marrying her first love rather than sailing off to Europe, maybe this, maybe that, maybe, maybe, maybe... But that's the funny thing about life. One things happens and it changes the course of everything.

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