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Philip places his hand over his chest, trying to calm himself from the surprise in his seat, "Goodness, Aunt Angelica!"

She smiles and pulls her nephew into a hug, "Now is that any way to greet your favorite aunt?"

"My only aunt," Philip mutters, his cheeks flushing.

Angelica Church ignores the comment and opens the curtain, "Now you must tell me who that stunning young woman was. You seem to have quite an infatuation with her," she teases.

"Please don't tell my father," he begs, glancing out the window.

A mischevious look crosses his aunts face, "It isn't Mr. Jeffersons' daughter, is it?" Philip shakes his head, "Well the way you look at her, and the way she admires you in return, can't help but remind me of you mother and father once upon a time. Romance runs in your blood, young Philip, your parents will  not be less than ecstatic."

"She's Theodosia Burr," he states and sees his father walking towards them, "Please do not tell him!" He pleads in a rushed whisper.

Angelica is able to wipe the shock off her face only moments before Alexander steps into the carriage. As soon as he sees his wife's sister he stutters,"What-what are you doing here, Angelica?"

Somehow she is able to straighten her already perfect posture and leans towards him, "I am here to surprise my sister. Heaven knows she needs some happiness," she hisses, venom dripping from her words. 

Alex grits his teeth, "Please do not speak to me like that in front of my son."

"Why?" Philip interjects quietly, "You are more than deserving."

Both adults snap their heads to the boy. Angelica speaks first, "Do not speak to your father like that, young man! I know for a fact that your mother taught you some respect-"

Alexander interrupts his sister-in-law, "That is quite enough Angelica. As for you Philip, mind your father. I will admit I have made some mistakes, but I have done nothing wrong where it concerns you and your siblings."

"Cocky much," Angelica mutters under her breath. Philip grins and his father's cheeks grow red, "This is why my children have so little respect for me! You and Eliza are always speaking poorly of me in front of them-"

"Maybe they don't respect you because you had an affair! Or maybe it's because you're always drowning in your work and barely even know your own children's names-"

The two bicker through the whole trip. Philip stares out the window, tuning them out. He would give anything to be with Theodosia. His name, his college, his life. Her eyes keep him awake at night, and her smile lights up his world! He doesn't understand how anyone could have an affair when the people they love are waiting for him. Philip's worst fear is never living up to his father's expectations, yet his second is becoming just like Alexander.

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