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Philip knocks on his sisters door. When she doesn't respond he cracks the door open and whispers, "Angelica!"

The girl shifts over and peeks her eyes open, "Oh, what is it now, Philip?"

He quickly shuts the door and lights the candle at her bedside, "I have come to ask a favor of you, Sister."

Angelica shies away from the bright light and sits up slowly, "I don't want any part in this certain foolishness you have gotten yourself into."

Philip pulls two letters out of his coat pocket and holds them out to his sister, "If something happens, if I die, I need you to give this letter to Mother."

She rubs her eyes, "Philip," she warns.

He gives her a reassuring smile, "I do not plan on getting killed, Angelica. I hate to ask this of you, but you are the only one I can trust with this."

She sighs worriedly, "And what of the second?" 

He bites his bottom lip with a smile, "You cannot tell anybody, not even Mother." She nods, her curiosity taking over reason, "I will need you to deliver this to Theodosia Burr."

Angelicas eyebrows raise, "Mr. Burr's daughter?" Philip nods and his sister shakes her head, "Father is going to kill you, Philip! Getting involved with that girl- knowing what he did to Grandfather-"

"The sins of the father are not passed down, Angelica- for if they were where would we be?" He feels himself becoming angry with his sister, "We'd be labelled as adulterers and immigrants. Just as we choose our own paths, she chooses her so never speak of her that way again."

Angelica is fully awake now and can't stop staring at her brother, "Father would never allow it, Philip. You were foolish to put yourself into this sort of position," she lectures, "How are you to be together if you cannot get married? What are you going to do-"

"Father cannot control every aspect of my life Angelica!" He cuts her off, "If I must do so without his blessing then I will make my own way, just as he did. Do you promise to give it to her?"

She shakes her head, nostrils flaring, "Nothing is going to happen, Phillip..."

"I know, I know, but if it does-"

"Nothing is going to happen because I am putting a stop to this nonsense," she stands storming towards the door.

Phillip stops her, putting his hands on both arms, "Angelica, enough!"

She struggles for a little bit before giving up and sitting in her chair, "Do not do this, Phillip."

"I love her, Angelica..." he pleads with her, trying to get her to understand.

She just shakes her head. She won't meet his eyes, "Don't tell mother... please, Angelica."

She still won't look at him, "Fine, brother."

"And the letter-"

"I will give her the letter, now excuse yourself from my room!" She shouts. He looks at her, waiting for her caramel eyes to look at him. When she doesn't he takes his leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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