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Theodosia looks back and laughs, picking her skirts up above her ankles, running through the streets of New York, "Catch me if you can, Hamilton!"

Philip chuckles and chases after her, the same way they used to run through his mother's garden, but of course that was before Aaron Burr betrayed his father.

Men look curiously at the two nineteen year olds racing through the streets, while women smile gently behind their gloves at the new love arising. Philips hands wrap around Theodosia's waist as he twirls her around back to him. Her gorgeous smile was brighter than the sun, for she was never happier as she was when she was around her Philip, "You are not as fast as you were, you've slown down, Theodosia," the young boy teases her.

She sticks her lip out and demands him to unhand her when a man speaking in the main square catches their eyes. Theodosia smooths her crimson dress and takes Philip's hand as they make their way to the back of the crowd, "Alexander Hamilton is a fool! He refuses to change any of his opinions and let it be known that the one compromise he has ever been known to make, really only benefited him. If that doesn't tell you enough about his values, then the Reynolds Pamphlet must. Not only did he cheat on his wife, he proudly admitted it! It's a good thing he didn't get the whore pregnant, or else we'd have a whole pack of bastard Hamilton's running around-"

Philip takes a step forward, trying to reach the front of the crowd. It is only when Theodosia grabs his arm and leads him away that he calms down, "Don't be daft, Philip!" She exclaims in a hushed tone, trying to remain inconspicuos as they made their way back to the carriages they had arrived in, "Everyone knows that George Eacker is a trouble maker.  You can't give him the satisfaction."

She looked up at him with the same brown eyes as her father. His lip twitches upward in admiration, somehow forgetting the insults his family name had recieved only minutes before, "How can one lady be so amazing?" He leans down to her cheek, but she pulls away.

She takes a step back and glances around, "Our fathers are due to be out any minute, Philip," His name sounded so perfect coming from her lips, "If they ever caught us together..." 

He follows her gaze to the double doors and sighs, "I love you, Theodosia."

Like the last piece of the puzzle fitting in just right, she replies, "I love you too, Philip Hamilton."

The smile glowing from each of them as the entered their carriages were so radiant, the sun was jealous.

If Only (Hamilton Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora