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"How was the meeting, Father?" Aaron looks at her daughter who bats her eyes innocently. Theodosia glances behind her father at the carriage holding Philip.

"It went well. Did you find what you wanted?" He raises his eyebrows and smirks at her empty hands.

Theodosia quickly recovers, "Nothing caught my eye, I shall just have to work with the fabric we already have."

The Burrs' carriage moves and her father chuckles, "Yes, I suppose so. So nothing caught your eye? Not a husband or a fair looking man?"

Theodosia blushes and hides behind her hand, "Father!" She groans. The only man she wants to marry is Philip Hamilton, the only man she cannot have.

"It is an honest question. You will have to be married soon."

Theodosia smooths her skirts and refuses to meet her father's eyes, "I know," she sighs, her posture dropping.

Aaron takes his daughters hands in his, "I will not be around forever. You need someone who-"

"I know, I know. I need someone to care for me and provide for me and protect me. But, Father," she pleads, "What if I love someone who is not wealthy, but someone who is kind, and considerate, and caring-"

"You seem to have someone specific in mind." The complete adoration in her eyes when describing Philip could be seen from the deepest parts of outer space. Heat creeps up her face as her father continues, "Let's just assume you haven't found this certain someone; if you find this love before the first of the new year, you can marry him as long as he is able to give you what you want, whether it be money or love."

The brilliant smile which is usually reserved for Philip, fills her face as she throws herself into her father's arms, "Thank you!"

Her father relaxes within the hug and strokes her hair, "You remind me so much of your mother, my dear Theodosia. She would be so proud of you."

Theodosia's eyes gleam and an eager smile tugs at her lips, "Can you tell me one more thing about her? Please, Father."

A grin of his own spreads across his face as Theodosia hungrily awaits more information about her mother, "Your mother not only had an honest and affectionate heart like you, but she was so very brave! Her family were Loyalists, along with her first husband. But despite all she knew, she stood on the side of the Patriots. While her husband was away she opened her home as a gathering place for American soliders-"

"-And that's how you two met!" Theodosia interrupts confidently.

Aaron chuckles along with his daughter and continues, "Yes, that is how I met your mother. If your mother had been caught for handling her husbands property, she could have been thrown in jail and killed. Even still she continued to risk everything for her beliefs. That is what made her insanely brave-"

"-And passionate?" Aaron allows his daughter to cut in, for he always had the patience for her to express her opinions and ideas, "If you believe in something so much you are willing to risk everything, passion is the only acceptable reason. She was passionate about helping the Patriots and standing for women's rights," she pauses, smiling up at her father, "She was passionate about you." She teases.

Her father kisses her forehead, "Yes, she was very passionate about her family. I am afraid she passed that passion onto you, Theodosia."

She gives him a confused look and he continues, "There are two types of passion in this world of ours. Many people will say I stand for nothing, but I save my passion for more important things, like family, like you Theodosia. I would do anything for you to be happy and to see that you are safe."

Theodosia gives him a small smile as they grow closer to their home, "What is the other kind?"

"Foolish passion. Mr. Hamilton has loads of it, he is passionate about everything he does, writing, family, politics, law. While it is alright to have a little bit of passion in everything you do , putting all your beliefs out into the world makes you a fool. Being too immersed in every single thing is a curse of his, and I feel for his children who have inherited it?"

Theodosia remembers Philips reaction to the man in the square, "That hardly seems fair, to judge persons by their parents or lack of one's."

The coachman opens the carriage door and her father takes her arm walking in silence to let the statement sink in, "Father," Theodosia eventually asks.

Her father turns to meet her eyes, "George Eacker. He was speaking today in the square. Have I met him before?"

Aaron leads his daughter through their garden, "I invited him to dinner a few weeks ago. He is my newest spokesperson. Did he say something to you?"

Theodosia walks swiftly by her father, her dress moving elegantly down the brick path, "He was speaking poorly of the Hamilton's. I don't quite understand the political purpose of foul-mouthing Mr. Hamilton."

Her father was always proud of her for asking these types of questions. It showed her intelligence and comphrension, "Mr. Hamilton is endorsing Thomas Jefferson, the other candidate in the race," At this point, Theodosia rolled her eyes. Of course she knew all of the candidates, she wasn't an oblivious idiot, "By speaking Mr. Hamilton's past mistakes, he loses credibilty, therefore putting Mr. Jefferson back into the postition he began in or possibly even lower."

Theodosia bends down to scoop a butterfly into the cup of her hand, "I guess it makes sense.."

Her father hears the hesitation in her voice, "But..." He adds, edging her on to express her thoughts.

"But, he has a family father. You remember Philip, right? We used to be friends," Aaron smiles at the fond memory, "What if he were there? What if he were to hear the horrible things Mr. Eacker were saying?"

"I am sure Philip is already aware of his father's sins."

Theodosia stops her father and allows the winged creature to fly away, "Father, what if someone were saying such things about you? It seems wrong to me, that people can talk poor of others without giving the full story." She remembers the furious gleam in Philip's eyes when he was listening to Eacker. She was there to calm him down, but she couldn't seem to stop thinking of the possible outcome if she hadn't been.

Her father brushes invisble dirt off of his coat, "If it would please you, perhaps I should have a word with Mr. Eacker?" He suggested.

The corners of Theodosias eyes crinkle, signalling the beginning of a smile, "Thank you!"

"Anything for you, Theodosia."

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