Chapter 8: Punishment

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"Austin! This boy is too stubborn and set in his ways! You need to kill him sooner rather than later!" Sortez snarled, rushing forward as he tried to place his hands around my neck to intimidate me into killing the boy. "Look, this is MY part of the system and I decide when and who dies and how!" I snapped back and turned away, yanking down the hood of my black cloak. I swept my fingers through my very short yet coarse hair. "What I don't understand is why you're doing this now? He' still just a-" "Just a child yes I know!" I snapped at Zen, glaring daggers at him making the younger male very uncomfortable. Zen stepped away from in case if he decided to open his mouth and say the wrong thing. It had happened before and it wouldn't be the last time the idiot would do it. " I'm doing this now because I'm done waiting!" I snarled, glowering at everyone. I really wasn't in the mood to be messed with today. "Well why are you so impatient? The boy is and means nothing." Sortez said, a bored look dry walled itself onto his face. I gritted my teeth and without thinking. I whirled around and pulled a small, dark gray hand gun with tiny hint of dark red dissolved into the gun's paint job out of it's hiding place and shoved it into Sortez's face.

I glared at Sortez, really willing him to say something even though there was a gun poised in his face. "Kindly shut up. I am not in the mood to deal with your crap today." I snarled, I could feel my left eyelid twitch with anger as I threatened, gritting my teeth together in frustration. Sortez smirked in amusement, he wasn't one to take threats seriously and in all honesty, it really ticked me off. "Stop getting all worked up over some dumb, useless kid who everyone wishes would drop dead. And to answer your question Zen, he can't wait to kill this kid because Austin here was lover boy to the brat's older sister." Sortez sneered, his smug grin wiggling wider across his face in amusement at sharing my personal information. Rage boiled to its highest peak and I snarled once more and I felt my index finger which was laying on the trigger of my gun twitch. A loud bang came from the nose of the weapon and smoke slowly pooled from it. I watched in slight horror as Sortez's eyes widen and blood launched itself from the middle of his forehead. His skin drained from it's color and his eyes glassed over before his limp body teetered forward slightly before collapsing onto the ground in utter silence besides the loud but muffled thump his body made. Everyone just stared in shock as they looked at me then back at Sortez's once jeering and sneering limp corpse. "Y-You killed him!" Zen squeaked, shrinking away from me, hiding behind his older brother, Zachary who just simply huffed and rolled his eyes. "Why did I even bring you?" Zachary grumbled as his skittish brother hid behind him. "We are wondering the same thing." Scott said with a roll of his eyes as well, temporarily changing the subject. Zachary just huffed again and looked away from everyone, only meeting Sortez's dull and lifeless eyes. "Okay let's get back on our "original topic." Zachary snapped, removing his eyes from the corpse in the middle of the room to look at me. Once he did, the room instantly turned into pure silence as everyone continued to stare at me, waiting for me to speak. "Let this be a lesson to you all, absolutely do NOT interfere nor meddle with my personal life and business." I huffed.

Warren yowled in pain and teetered backwards away from me, holding his hand and giving me a nasty glare. "You're going to pay for that you little bitch." He snarled, starting towards me again. A nasty, broken, and scraggly rope was glued to the palm of his hand. I growled warningly, scooting back away from him. I hunched over as he tried to grab my wrists to bind them together to make it harder for him. "Just give me your damn wrists!" Warren shouted, his nasty finger nails dug sharply into my scalp and he ripped my head upwards. His gross, cracked, and yellowed teeth glinting in the dark. His other hand reached forward and grabbed both of my wrists tightly. His nails dug into my skin to ensure his hold onto my limbs. Warren then ripped his nails from my head and grabbed the nasty rope and binded both of my wrists together with it.

I squirmed as he wounded the rope tighter and tighter around my wrists. He was glaring at me the whole as he was doing the repetitive action of wrapping the rope around my limbs. I growled again and forced my head to go forward, colliding my forehead with his but all the movement did was give me a massive headache and him a case of the smug and taunting laughter. I groaned as I leaned away from the man, for some reason my head really started to hurt and my world began spinning rather quickly. I was so light- head that I didn't even notice that Warren had pulled out a knife from his belt and was slowly approaching me from behind. I tucked my head down into my hands and I closed my eyes, trying desperately to rid myself of the sudden dizziness. I groaned softly for one more heartbeat before my short groan turned into a shriek of pain.

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