Chapter 13: Some Conversation

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(Sorry I'm bad at titles, anyway onto the chapter!)

Bryce's view

It was awkward as Aaron and I sat there in the room with silence nipping at us. "Soo, kid what do you like to do for fun?" Aaron asked, trying to make some small talk. "I don't know, work I guess." I said, shrugging my arms. I honestly didn't do anything really fun unless you count trying to survive in a run down house with no heat to keep you warm at night and very little food. " You work?" Aaron asked, a frown on his lips. "Worked, yeah. I'm sixteen." I said, rubbing my neck sheepishly. I felt all of the man's attention bearing onto me heavily. I was never one to like the spotlight. "Worked? Did ya quit? Get fired?" Aaron asked. "Fired, the place I worked at moved locations and I can't travel all the way to Tennessee, and even if I did where would I stay? Hell, the place I was living at here was that old, rundown place that caught on fire. All of my stuff burnt down along with it." I sighed, folding my knees up to my chest and vining my arms around them. I sighed and buried my face into my knee caps. "I can't even keep a roof over my head, what makes you think I can keep a job." I sulked sadly, shaking my head softly. I felt a huge, warm hand lay gently onto my back and it rubbed my clothed backside in gently, swift, circular motions. "Hey calm down kid. You are overwhelming yourself way to much." Aaron said. I hissed and lifted my head up at him and glared at him deadly. " How about you let yourself live MY life and then try not to "overwhelm" yourself just to get yourself something to eat." I hissed and shook my head sourly at him before shooing his hand off and away from me. Aaron sighed. "Seems I hit a nerve, I'm sorry." He apologized. I looked back at him twice, slightly shocked. "Y-You apologized?! No one has ever apologized to me before." I stuttered slightly, not taking my eyes off of him. "Well Bryce, there's a first time for everything." He chuckled standing up from the bed. "Yeah, I suppose so..." I said, my voice trailing off.

"So Aaron what do you do for fun, besides I don't know, work?" I asked, eyeing him as he cracked his neck. "That isn't healthy ya know. Doing that consistently." I warned getting an eye roll from the adult. "I know I know. It's just a nasty habit of mine." He sighed and smirked at me, ruffling my hair. "You well enough to travel?" He asked as he somewhat quickly pulled his hand back. I fixed my hair by using my fingers to comb through it. " Yes and I apologize about my appearance. I haven't been able to shower in awhile. There was a showering place in a local motel that I was able to use. It's free to the public but since I um well, let's just say got involved in something I didn't have a choice nor wanted to be a part of, I wasn't allowed to do anything but be a punching bag, and obediently, little puppy." I sighed earning a weary glance from Aaron. "I wasn't concerned about that for one kid, and two, how long were you with those people?" He asked. "Not for long, maybe three weeks tops. But I can assure you it was as good as hell. Before you caught me earlier on the same night they brought a new person in. It was a woman I think. I don't know, I didn't see the person. All I heard was screaming before I was dragged out to do the "dirty" job." I sighed and laid my head back onto the pillow, hiding my disturbed face in my hands as the woman's screams came echoing into my head. "Are you alright?" Aaron asked softly, laying his hand on my shoulder softly and making me sit up with his other arm behind my back. "No... I'm seriously fucked up sir." I said softly, I could feel the hot tears starting to form. It's been awhile since I've last cried, especially in front of anyone. "It's alright bud, I just need you to calm down okay." He said, eyeing me up and down. "Fine." I said , forcing myself to calm down. "Okay I'm good now." I said, wiping away the sticky tears that had formed from my eyes and dripped onto my face. "So Bryce, do you think you can handle a trip back to my place?" Aaron asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. Too bad his eyes didn't show any emotion which worried me a bit. I really like being able to see and read what the people around were feeling so I didn't screw myself over. Also I wasn't the best at reading body language. "Um yeah... I guess." I said, suddenly wanting to mental slap myself. I hardly knew the guy and yet I was blindly saying yes to going to his house. He said he was a special agent thing working with the FBI. Surely he wouldn't try anything would he? My brain asked shakily. Not necessarily but he could be lying to me, I placed my trust in him a little too quickly. "You trust him? "My brain screeched in defense. Yes.... I think I've seen something on him and his friends before. Plus I get a good vibe from him. I tried to reassure my brain that nothing bad was going to happen and I managed to wash away my doubt and push it into the back of my mind. "Let's get going then. I want to get you settled in and I also have more paperwork to do." Aaron groaned in complaint at the last part. "You sound like me whenever I had homework to do." I chuckled as I sat up and followed him out of the dark room. 

Aaron's view

I lead the way to my office, Bryce following me while being lost in thought. I walked in quickly and grabbed my files and everything else I thought would be appropriate and tucked them away into my satchel. I closed the flap on my bag and slung it over my shoulder and walked out of my office. Bryce seemed to have knocked himself out of his thought trance and was simply just staring at me, curiosity and a little mixture of worry and fear lingered in his eyes. "What? See something interesting while I was gone?" I joked trying to lighten the thick tension that seemed to have brewed in between us in the last few minutes. "No I was just lost in thought sir." I rolled my eyes as I locked the door to my office just in case if someone was stupid enough to break into the warehouse and try to take something. "Aaron kid. I'm not a fan of being formal and being called sir." I hummed and walked past Bryce while he gulped and shrank away from me. I chuckled at him and shook my hand before I wrapped my arm around his shoulders as I made him walk with me to the exit of the warehouse.

"Hey Bryce, do you like being out in the woods?" I asked tired of all the silence. "I never been in the woods before. I've been on my own since I was eight." Bryce said softly as he kept his gaze plastered anywhere else as long as it seemed to not be focused on me. "Well like I said, there's a first time for everything." I hummed, turning the radio on and turning it up the radio. The song "Not My Fault." by the Osborne Brothers kicked on. "You like Country Music?" Bryce asked, finally making eye contact with me.  "I wouldn't be playing  it now would I?" I said in a light headed tone. Bryce smiled and gave me a small eye roll. "Whatever." He said.

" He said

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