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   Your POV

   "She doesn't mean anything to me." You over year your boyfriend say while he is on the phone.

   "Yeah. I only keep her here for the money. Her father is paying me to keep her." He says as you try to run away.

I-I can't take this. I need to leave. I can't take the abuse anymore. I've been abused since I was 7. I need to get help that will listen.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" Your boyfriend yells out to you.

"You need to get your ass back here!" He yells running after you.

"Never!" I say yelling back while crying.

This can't be happening. Why did this have to happen to me?!

"Gotcha!" Yelled your boyfriend as he jumped in front of you grabbing a hold of you.

"You aren't leaving the house this time. Or ever again." He silent yells in your ear.

For all I know, I will never see the light of day again. My father blamed me for my mother's death cause she got into a car crash. It isn't my fault. And my boyfriend abuses me for money from my father. Nothing will ever get better for me.


"You will stay in here till the day you die!" Yelled your boyfriend as he slammed the door.

I-I'm going to die in here. Who knows if he'll feed me. And he boarded up the windows. B-but he gave me a bathroom. That's the only luxury to this hell.

Gets up to go to the bathroom.

He didn't board up this window. Why could that be? I know we're on the second floor. But I will still risk jumping out the window over his abuse. But I can't escape tonight. He may kill me if he catches me again.

I wish my mother was still alive. This all would have never happened if she didn't get into that accident. I don't blame her for this. I blame that drunk jackass who drove into her car. That jackass is to blame. And somehow he lived.

But no one will tell me who he was. Hell. For all I know. They lied to me, and he wasn't drunk and did it on purpose. My dad because an abusive drunk after he heard the news and blamed me for the deck, yet. I had nothing to do with the reck.

I just wish, someone would listen to me. The cops won't listen because my boyfriend and dad bribe them. Which should illegal if it isn't. Abuse isn't right. And needs to be stopped.

"Here's dinner." Your boyfriend snapped as he brought you a plate of food.

"I may not love you, or even like you. But you deserve to eat right." He says setting the plate down and walking out.

He can give me a good meal. But can't keep me safe or let me leave. Yeah, this all makes total sense...

You eat your dinner and decide to fall asleep.

Dream starts

"You! You are the reason your mother is dead!" Screamed your father pointing a finger at you as the cops left.

"I-I had nothing to do with it!" I say back crying.

"You made her go get things for you!" He screams.

"T-that was you!" I yell back.

He punches me in the stomach, slaps me in the face and sends me to my room.

W-why did he do this to me. Daddy loves me. H-he told me he would never hurt me. He said he would never turn into his father!

Dream ends.

N-no! I can't be having this dream! I need to escape. I can't take it anymore!

You slip out the bathroom window, land in a bush and just start running as fast as you can into town. While crying.

I can't take it! I need to leave! I need to go where I know people will listen and not dismiss all of this. I need help.

You crash into someone.

"I-I'm so sorry." I say shaking afraid of what they might do.

"It's fine. Hey are you okay? Is something wrong?" Asked the man with a familiar voice.

"N-no. Nothing is fine." I say braking down into more tears.

"H-Hey. It's okay. You're safe now. Let's go to a quiet place and talk." Said he man wrapping a jacket around you.


"Okay, So what's going on?" Asked the man who sounded very familiar. Then you noticed who it was.

"M-my boyfriend locked me up and abuses me. No one will listen cause my dad and him will bribe police officers so they won't stop anything." I say crying and shaking.

"What the hell?! That isn't right. We are going to the station right now. They need to see the evidence." Said the man standing up.

"T-they won't believe us." I say looking at him.

"They'll believe me. I mean. I am Tony Stark." He says helping you up.

"By the way, what's your name?" He asks while you it's walk to his car.

"(Y/N)." I say not looking at him.

"That's a pretty name." He says smiling while helping you into his car.

T-Tony Stark is helping me. One of my biggest idols! I never thought I would ever meet him. Especially after all that has happened to me. This is truly a dream some true.

"Hey, while all this is getting settled out. You're living in Stark tower with me and the other Avengers there." Said Tony smiling while we drive off to the police station.

"Thank you so much Tony." I say smiling.

"No problem." He says while Turing right.

I can't believe he is helping someone who bumped into him. I'm just some girl who ran into him. And he decided to stop and help me. I am truly great full for him. I never thought I would get help. I always thought I would always be stuck in hell.

"We're here." Said Tony parking the car.

1006 words

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