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   Your POV

   "You're back." Said Tony smiling.

   "You miss me?" I say handing him a cup of coffee.

   "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't." He said taking the mug.

   "Then maybe I'll leave." I say jokingly.

   "I'm kidding. I did miss you." He says smiling.

"You're a lot different then I've heard about you." I say watching him take a drink of his coffee.

"Oh really." He says looking at me.

"Yeah." I say to him.

"Is that bad?" He asks.

"Nope you're way better then I've heard." I say to him.

"Good." He says smiling.

"I need to go shower." I say standing up.

"Maybe I'll join you." He says winking.

"In your dreams Stark." I say laughing while walking out of his room to go to mine.

He's such an amazing guy. But I just don't know what to do. I mean, we keep teasing and joking with each other. But all of this could just be a game for him. I know what others have said is what he's doing now. But he seems to genuinely like me. Stupid emotions.


You get out of the shower, get dressed, and decided blow dry your hair.

"Where is my blow dryer?!" I say a bit mad.

"Knock Knock." Said Tony coming in.

"I can't find my blow dryer." I say sighing and sitting in my bed.

"Where'd you have it last?" He Asks looking around.

"Ugh. I don't know." I say a bit mad.

"Here come with me. I have one in my room." He says helping you up.

"You have a blow dryer?" I Ask.

"How else do I get my hair dried and soft like this?" He Asks looking at me.

"I don't know." I say laughing.


   "Here you go." He Said hanging you the plugged in blow dryer.

   "Thanks." I say taking the blow dryer and turning it on.

   About 30-40 minutes later you finish blow drying your hair when Tony comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist and lays his head on your shoulder.

   "Why hello there handsome." I say as I brush my hair.

"Hello princess." He says smiling as you do so.

"What are our plans today?" I Ask when I finished brushing my hair.

"I have an idea." Said Tony turning you around so you were close to his chest.

"Maybe another time." I say laughing.

   "So that's a Maybe for another time. Yes." Said Tony smiling.

   "Oh my gosh Tony. You can be a naughty boy sometimes." I say teasing him.

   "I am a playboy." He Said looking into your eyes, and laying a soft kiss on your lips.

D-did he just kiss me?

"Wow. Your lips are soft." Is all I could think to say.

"I-I'm so sorry (Y/N) I don't know what came over me." He says noticing you in a bit of shock.

"No it's fine. I actually liked it." I say smiling, as we go in for another kiss but get a knock on Tony's door.

"Always at the good part he says letting go of you so he can go answer his door.

   "Yes?" You hear Tony say as he opened the door.

   "Banner wants to talk to you. He thinks he has discovered something." You heard Steve say when you peaked around the corner.

   "Okay. Give me five minutes and I'll be down." He says as Steve walks away and Tony shuts the door.

"I'll be back in a bit. I have to go see something." Said Tony walking up to me.

"Awe. But I don't want you to leave." I say to him.

"I know. I'll be back up soon." He says smiling as he walks out the door.

   Hmm what to do now. He didn't say I had to leave, but I know he wouldn't say that I couldn't be in here. Maybe I should go clean my room?


Finally almost done cleaning the room and making it mine. I hope Tony's done soon.

"Hey." Said Natasha standing in the door way.

"Hey." I say smiling looking at her.

"You seem to like being here which is a good thing." Natasha said smiling.

"Yeah. You all are really nice. I'm glad I ran into Tony when I did." I say finishing up what I was cleaning.

   "You've been a lot of fun, and you have seemed to make Tony in a better mood then he's been in a while." Said Natasha to you.

   "Well that's good then." I say smiling.

   "Well I have a mission to go on. I'll see you later." She says walking out.

   "Bye." I say to her.

   Well. I'm finished with my room. I guess I'll venture back to Tony's room and wait for him.


   "Boo." Said Tony wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.

   "You took so long." I say to him as he kisses my neck.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Banner took forever to show me." He says.

"You know, you've been doing stuff with me. But haven't asked me out yet." I sY to him.

"Actually. I was making plans tonight for us." He says smiling.

   "Well thanks for ruining the surprise Tony." I say laughing.

   "Hey. You brought up about us being together." He says smiling.

   "You know. We've only known each other for a couple of days. But I feel like I've known you for way long." I say as he spins me around so I'm against his chest.

"Yeah. I may have only been a couple of days. But I think I love you." He says. Then lays another kiss on your lips but stays longer this time.

   His lips are so soft. They're like a soft blanket for a cold winter day. His touch is amazing. It feels like I'm laying in a bed of flowers. I think I've fallen for him.

   "I wanted to ask you at dinner, but will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?" He Asks when we break the kids.

   "I'd love to be." I say smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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