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Your POV

"This is your room." i say smiling as I open the door.

"This is amazing." (Y/N) says walking in amazed.

"Do you have anything at Grey's House that was yours you want?" I ask her as she looks around.

"Yeah, all my art supplies. It's all in the spare bedroom. He never went in there, so when he wasn't home I would go in there to draw and paint." She says as she sits on the bed.

"Get some rest. I'll take someone with me to get all your stuff." I say smiling at her.

"Thank you again Tony." She says smiling as she leans back in the back.

"You're welcome Princess." I say as I walk out looking for Steve.

I swear to god if we run into trouble at Grey's House. I'm going to be livid. This time I need to bring a suit.

"Hey Rogers, come with me. I need your help with stuff." I yell to him as I walk down the hall.

"What do you need Tony?" Steve asks a little confused.

"We have to stop somewhere and get (Y/N)'s things. I'll tell you what is all going on when we get into the car." I say grabbing one set of my keys and walking out with Steve.


   "That really all happened to her?" Asked Steve as we got to Grey's house.

   "Sadly yes. That's why I took her in. They haven't found her father yet, and her ex is going to jail if he is still alive after a cop shot him." I say as I park the car.

   "Let's just hope the dad isn't inside." Said Steve as we both got out of the car.

We walk inside the house seeing no signs of anyone here. So we go to the spare bedroom and start grabbing everything of (Y/N)'s

"She's really good at drawing." I say flipping through one of her sketch books.

"And she's good at painting." Said Steve picking up all the canvases and putting them in a bag of hers he found.

"I'm just still so baffled this happened to her. She's such a sweet girl. Who didn't deserve any of this." I say packing everything else into some bags.

"You like her." Said Steve picking up the bags he packed.

"No I don't." I say as we walk out of the bedroom.

"Yes you do. You treat her differently then any other girl." Steve says as we walk out of the house and put everything into the car.

"I don't. She needed help. So I have her the help she deserves." I say as I get into the drivers side and start the car.

"Whatever you say Stark." Said Steve looking at me.


   "It was easier to get the items of yours then we thought. No one was there." I say as me and Steve give her her items.

   "Thank you guys so much!" She says hugging us both individually.

   "It was our pleasure." Said Steve smiling.

   "We'll let you go to bed. It is pretty late." I say setting down the last bag and walking out with Steve.

   Your POV

   Im so happy Tony took me in and is helping me. He is everything I could ever ask for. But I should probably get some sleep. I haven't had very much lately.


   Wakes up at 10 am.

   It felt good to actually get some sleep. That bed is so comfy. I should probably go get some breakfast. I need something to eat.

   "Good morning." I say walking out of my bedroom.

   "Morning princess. How do you feel?" Asked Tony noticing me.

   "A little sore. But I feel okay enough to move." I say yawning.

   "You hungry? I made some breakfast." He says having me sit at the counter why he makes me a plate.

   "The Tony Stark making breakfast? It's so unheard of." I tease at him.

   "Oh very funny." He says back to me.

   "You're awake." Said Natasha smiling as she walks into the kitchen and noticed you.

   "Hi Natasha." I say back smiling.

   Everyone in the tower is so nice. I love how much thy are caring for me even thought there are or could be worse things happening.

   "I know you don't look the greatest. I mean by your bruises, but I want to take you shopping to get you somethings." Said Tony handing me my plate.

"That would be fun." I say smiling.

"I know you didn't have much clothes, me and Rogers checked and couldn't find any. So you can wear what you were cause I had them washed, and you can borrow one of my hoodies cause it's supposed to be kind of cold." Said Tony eating his breakfast.

I get to wear Tony's hoodie! I've always wanted to take a guys hoodie to wear.

"I'll let you go shower, then we can go." Said Tony smiling.

   "Okay." I say handing him my empty plate and walk to my room.

   Ohh a nice shower. This is going to be amazing. I haven't been able to have a nice shower in a long time.

   "Knock Knock." Said Natasha knocking on the door.

   "Coming in." I say turning in the shower.

   "I came to give you shampoo and conditioner." She said handing me them.

   "Thank you." I say smiling.

   "You're welcome. I'll see you later. Fury sent me in a mission." Natasha says to me.

"See ya." I say as she shuts the door.

Now, time to shower and wash my hair. Cause it really needs it.

You start singing a panic! At the disco

This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
From pieces of broken memories
Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart
Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart
The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds
But they haven't seen the best of us yet
If you love me let me go

I just copy and pasted sorry :/


You throw on a nice sweater you were wearing and your pair of dark grey and white leggings.

Time to go tell Tony I am ready.

"Tony, I'm ready to go." I say walking out.

"You're really good at singing." He says popping out of nowhere.

"Th-thanks." I say trying not to blush.

   "No one has ever heard me sing before." I say taking the black hoodie he handed to me.

1092 words


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