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   Tony's POV

   "Tony hey." Said a cop walking up to me.

   "Hi. I need to report a crime." I Said with (Y/N) behind me.

   "What's the crime?" Said the cop making us sit down at his desk.

   "I found this women all beat up and in tears. She's been being abused. And she tried to get help. But her father and boyfriend would bribe the cops that would come." I say looking at her bruised arms.

   "We will get right on that. Do you know the cop that kept going to the house?" Asked the cop to (Y/N).

   "H-he has short brown hair. Maybe about 6' 2". A deepish voice." She says a bit shaky from all of what has happened.

   "Okay. If you could give us your address so we can go to your house and investigate. And I'm going to show you pictures of the different cops we have here, and I want you to tell me which cop it was." Said the cop pulling out a photo book.

   "No one on the first page." She says looking at everyone.

   "That guy." She says pointing at a picture in the middle of page 3.

   "That's officer Grey. Wait. Why is your boyfriends last name?" Asked the cop a little concerned.

   "G-grey." She says even more scared.

   "We are going to put a stop to this." Said he cop standing up.

   "Her address is (Insert Address.)" Said Tony standing up with the cop.

   The cop walks away to get others to get ready to go to the house.

   "H-how did you know my address?" I Ask looking at him.

   "When you said Grey. I knew instantly. I've had some words with him before. But I never knew you were in that house." I say looking down at you.

   "Come on, let's go to the tower and get you checked out. You need some medical help." i say smiling.

   "Thank you so much for everything Tony." She says smiling.

"You're Come princess." I say smiling back.

Did I just call her princess? How did that come out?

"You are the hero I've been waiting for all my life." She says as we get into my car.

"What do you mean?" I Ask looking over at her.

"I've always wanted a hero to come save me. I've always wished someone would take me away from there. You are my hero. And I'm great full for that." She says after buckling I'm her seat belt.

"It's my job to help and protect." I say to her as I drive off to the tower.

I just made it sound like I help her cause it's my job. Or no. I hope she doesn't think that way. I saved her cause I wanted to. I need to know.

"Sonofabitch!" I say as we hit a sudden stop.

"Eh-what happened?" She says a little freaked out.

"We hit something." I say going to unbuckle.

I get out of the car.

"We ran over a rock?" I whisper to myself.

"You're the man who has my girl." Said a snarled voice.

"She's not yours. She's mine. I'll treat her way better then you ever will." I snap at him.

Not this jackass. I didn't bring my suit. Fuck!

"Oh cause Iron man would be better for her." He says crossing his arm.

"Oh way better." I say getting ready to fight.

Let's end this. I just hope she stays in the car. He doesn't need to know she's in the car if he doesn't already.

"Let's fight." He snarled.

"Gladly." I say running up to punch him.

"Freeze Grey!" Said a cop near my car.

Grey raises his hands and I slowly back away to my car.

"Grey, you are under arrest for the abuse of (Y/N)." Said the cop with a gun aimed at him.

"If you take me alive!" He says running off, but the cop shot him.

"Thank you." I say a little out of breathe.

"It's my job. But you're welcome." Said the cop calling in someone to get the body.

   See. He also made it sound like he only did it cause of his job. But you know that he wants to do this to protect lives. I need to check on (Y/N).

   "Hello?" I say opening my car door.

   "They got him." She says happily.

   "Yeah. He's what stopped the car." I say sitting down.

   "Is the car Okay?" She Asks looking over at me.

   "Yeah. I think so. We are free to go now. Let's go to the tower and get you check out." I say smiling at her.

   "Let's go." She says happily.


"Hey everyone! This is (Y/N)." I say smiling.

"Hello Lady (Y/N)." Said Thor happily.

"Hey, I'm Natasha." Said Natasha happily.

"Hi. I'm Steve." He said smiling.

"Hey." Said Clint looking at you.

"Oh, who might this be?" Said Loki behind you.

"This is (Y/N). She's going through a lot. So I'm brought her here to get checked out and have a place to stay." I say trying to get her to the doctor.

   "Are those bruises?" Asked Loki as he noticed them.

   "Yeah, its a long story that I will tell you all tomorrow." (Y/N) says trying to hint to everyone to let her get checked out.

Can I just go get checked out now? And I wonder. I've always heard Loki always seems mad and doesn't open up. He seems to be nice and open up now. Huh, maybe something happened no one knows about? Well. The Avengers probably do.


      "You seem to have a crack in one of your ribs, and you have some bruising that will take a couple weeks to heal." Said the doctor looking at me, then at Tony.

   "But is there any damage that won't heal." Tony Asked concerned.

   "Everything should heal. If it doesn't. Then we will know." Said the doctor.

   "I suggest you rest for a couple of days. And take some pain medication." Said the doctor handing Tony the bottle.

   "Thanks." I say looking at the doctor.

   "My pleasure (Y/N)." Said the doctor smiling.

   As you and Tony walk to the elevator, he looks at you. Differently then he ever has.

"I got a room set up for you. Well it was set up for if I hired a new designer. But you deserve it more then a designer." Said Tony as we walked into the elevator and he snapped back into reality.

"What do you need a designer for?" I ask him.

"For my suits." He says clicking a button on the elevator.

1111 words

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