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Your POV

"Okay, which store do you want to go to first?" Asked Tony as we walked inside the mall.

"Umm. Well. There's one store, but you're not going with for that store." I say to him.

"Why not?" He says looking at me.

"Personal reasons." I say looking at him.

"Fine. Here's some money. I'll be here waiting for you." He says handing you some money.

I don't need him going shopping in Victoria secret with me. Knowing him, it's his wonderland. But I don't need him knowing what I wear underneath everything. Okay, so I should get a decent amount of underwear and bras. Can always get more later.

You grab everything you decide on, pay, then go back to Tony.

"That's why you didn't want me to go with." Said Tony smirking.

"You don't need to know what I wear underneath all of this." I say to him as we walk to another store.

"I could always imagine it." He says.

"Tony!" I say punching his arm.

"Kidding! I'm kidding." He says back.

He better be kidding.

"Where to next?" I Ask noticing he's leading.

"We're going to get you a phone, and a laptop." He says walking into the Apple store.

   "Why are you being so kind to me?" I ask.

   "Do you not want me to be?" He asks looking at me a bit confused.

   "I do, it's just. Why do you want to help me? What made you want to?" I Ask looking at him as we look at phones.

   "You needed help. So I helped you. You didn't deserve the life you had." He Said in response.

   "You treat me differently then other girls." I say looking at him while I decide on a phone color.

   "Cause you aren't like other girls. You're better then other girls." He says.

   "I'm getting a red one." I say pointing to the Red iPhone 7+.

   "Great choice." He says smiling as you guys get it all set up with a store employee.


"I've had a lot of fun today." I say smiling at Tony.

"Yeah. Today was fun." He says smiling back.

"So, we got me clothes, a phone, laptop, something's to put in my room, and now all we have left to go to is the art store." I say as we walk around and look.

"I want to make a challenge for you. I want you to paint everyone on the walls in their room." Said Tony as we turned a corner to go to the art store.

"So like, I'd paint you in your room, and Steve in his, etc?" I say looking for paint.

"Yup. Exactly." He says as you grab a basket.

"We're going to need a lot of stuff then." I say looking at him.

"It'll be worth it." He says determine.


   "How was shopping?" Asked Steve as you guys walked in.

   "It was really fun." I say smiling.

   "Yeah. It was." Said Tony smiling too.

"Good to hear. So what is the plan now?" Asked Steve looking at all the stuff you guys bought.

"I was thinking of getting started on a challenge Tony gave me while we were out. But it's a surprise for all of you." I say smiling.

   "We can do whatever it's a chill day." Said Tony smiling.

   "Tony? Chill? Never heard of." Said Steve joking around.

   "Oh so funny Rogers." Said Tony rolling his eyes.

   "I was only joking around." Said Steve laughing as Tony walked off.

   "He can be a hardass sometimes." Said Steve smiling.

   "I discovered that while shopping." I say giggling.

   "I'll let you get to your plans. And I know what the 'challenge' Tony gave you is." Said Steve looking at all the paint.

   "How do you know?" I Ask raising an eyebrow.

   "I gave him the idea. You can start in my room first." Said Steve helping you taking bags to your room.

   "Thank you Steve." I say smiling.

   "Anytime." He says smiling while walking off to go find Tony.

   Now. How should I paint Steve on the wall.  I could give a pose. Or a nice stance after a battle. There's so many things I could do.

   *7 hours later.*

   I finished that a lot quicker then I thought I could.

   "Steve!" I say excitedly holding not to wake anyone up.

   "Yes?" He says when he notices me slid to him.

   "It's finished." I say happily grabbing his hand and dragging him to his bedroom.

   "This is amazing." He says smiling.

   "Thanks. Now, don't tell anyone about this. I want this to be a surprise. Cause I'm going to do this to everyone's rooms." I say noticing paint on my face when looking in Steve's mirror.

   "I won't say a word." He says smiling.

   I need to take a break. I can't do anymore painting. I just need some sleep right now. And some food.

   "Hey (Y/N). I'm going to go out and get some food. Want to come with?" Asked Tony as he walked in to see how the painting turned out.

   "Sure." I say picking up all my paint to carry to my room.

   "That looks really cool." Said Tony standing in your door way as you set everything down.

   "Thanks. Took me a long time to paint." I say stretching.

   "Yeah. Maybe you could do mine next." Said Tony winking as you two walked out of your bedroom with you shutting the door.

   "Always save best for last." I say smiling.

   "Oh, so I'm the best." He said proudly.

   "Maybe in appearance." I say jokingly.

   "Ouch. Maybe I can show you more." He says winking at me as we walk to his car.

   "In your dreams Stark." I say laughing as we get into the car.

   "Oh come on (Y/N)." He says with puppy dog eyes as he starts up the car.

   "Maybe one day." I say yawning.

   "Ugh. You're so stubborn." He says jokingly.

   "Just feed me already." I say playing around.

   "Okay, okay I'll feed you." He says laughing.
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