Chapter one (Memories)

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I was hanging with Dark today, since today marks ten years since things just went wrong. We went to where we burry Caleb, my baby boy, who didnt even get a chance to see the world. But before we left I grabbed a knife that i should of gotten rid of, but i kept over the years.

"Why do you still have have (Y/n)?" Dark asked me.

"Because it helps remember the good memories," I reply softly as we walk towards a small grave. I saw the name Caleb engraved into it, I smiled softly at it knowing it was my child. After visiting the grave we went back as i had to get ready for a job, Dark figured i was ready to get back to business. So i got ready and poofed over to my to where my job was i was in room, there was another man there walking to the room i needed. I speed up and passed him not glancing at him once, he grumbled a bit in annoyance. Man that sounds familiar, i dont why tho.

As we entered the room a man greeted us, "AH there you (Y/n) and Anti been awhile-"

I cut the man off "ANTI!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE, I TOLD YOU I WORK ALONE, AND I DEFIANTLY WONT WORK WITH A DICKWEASLE!!!" Anti flinched at what i called him, like he was being stabbed almost. 

"Hush, listen cant you be mature and work with me on this i need the money, really bad (y/n)," Anti said coldly.

"Dont hush me, and like you acted mature for the past ten years, but fine i will act mature for this, dont try anything," i told him as i too need to the money i was low on food on stuff. But mean it could be that bad could it?


Well this just great i been avoiding (y/n) not because i hate her, but what do i tell her, well what do you tell someone after years after telling them that you should of killed them. That night keeps playing over in my mind, i just wish i could make it stop. I been almost caught by her sight when i visit my son's grave, i wonder if she went and saw him today. God i wish i could just talk to her, but i cant there nothing i can say, i have done my damage. Maybe during our job together we can talk so i can try to apologizes for what i said that night. I still love you (y/n) (Y/L/N)(your last name) i hope you know that and what i would give to tell you, but all i do is spat at you still.  

Well i finished my first chapter of the new story, thank you @lindsay2011 for making really want to write this im proud of this chapter

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