A/N- Discontinuing

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So..yeah. This is not an update. Sorry.

I just wanted to say sorry again for having to discontinue this book. And if you're wondering why..let's just say I'm sleeping at dorms at school for the rest of my life. Though I would probably be making another one shot fanfics once in a while, I just can't continue this anymore.

And sad to say, but I've kinda lost interest in Magi or any particular Anime in general so you might want to be a cartoon lover to read my next fanfiction. IT'S JUST SO HARD TO STAY IN THE SAME FANDOM AND LOVING IT WHEN IT'S ALREADY ENDED. And Judal..about that..well, I kinda lost interest in him too-- WHOA OKAY DON'T BE MAD AT ME

You might be saying "But Author! How could you lost interest in that sadistic, hot, egotistical asshole!?" Well, yeah, fuck me for losing interest in him.

Welp, see you around then?
Oh and,
If any of you made a fanfic about utaites that I probably didn't notice, link me to it.

Or simply say you do aha.

[This was edited by a 31st March 2018 me]

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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Judal x Reader (Magi fanfic) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now