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I had gone that night, running in panic to the forest where it all began. I arrived quickly enough to stay planted in the middle of it, panting and screaming like crazy "Please stop it! Please !!" Suddenly collapsing on the ground without being able to get up. "You know what to do" I got up and went out of the forest. Passing through a vendor in a store, I bought three bottles of liquor and paid before going home discreetly or no one noticed my absence. I entered my room and began to drink the first bottle of alcohol. I quickly felt the alcohol rising to my head and burning my throat but it was like that it was not or at least I who controlled my actions, I quickly began the second and the last bottles I hid them under my bed or found more and more bottles and I collapsed on my bed, feeling like a zombie,  totally drunk.

First demon; Alcohol.

For days I had the same routine; go out, buy a few bottles, drink them in my room then put them under my bed. It become worse since days passed, and nobody see it. I became more and more introverted, not very close to others who did not seem to see anything.

Second demon, food.

Tonight, Saori had decided to organize a big meal, in the living room I was sitting waiting for time to pass. Everyone was going to an occupation, Hyoga and Seiya were playing table football, Shiryu was reading. I decided to go back to my room where I took and looked at a picture of me and my brother. I was almost sad I rested it and looked under my bed, shit, all the bottles were empty. I sat in my bed and waited to be in the evening, yet I had a lump in my stomach and a headache. I did not expect anything from this meal, I was even apprehensive.
The evening arrived quickly, too fast. We sat at the table and started talking, joking. I was between my brother Ikki and Hyoga, almost uncomfortable. I had not a special time with Hyoga for a while because of my desire to drink. What if Ikki knew? I mean, everything? Hyoga and I, the bottles under the bed, he would kill me. But no matter, Tatsuki brought the main dish a huge turkey that at first sight seemed perfectly prepared. He served us copiously and everyone started to eat, I ate slowly already stalled when I had just started, my brother saw it immediately as he knew me by heart, I did not usually eat a lot, but I do not ate almost nothing while the others enjoyed it.. I forced myself to eat, drinking a lot to swallow. The dessert passed slowly, as this good moment of sharing had become a chore for me. At the moment I was eating less and less and everyone had seen it, I had lost weight. Later in the night I was still not sleeping, I was looking at the picture of me and Ikki sitting in the back of my bed. Then I heard the door creak; it was Hyoga "Hey," he whispered. "Hey Hyoga." I answered in a small voice. I was so happy that he came, he took a seat near me and took me in his arms without me understanding. I let myself go until I heard him almost cry, he seemed disturbed and all that was because of me, I take him and we spent the night together.

Third demon, guilt.

I started become sad and sad more and more since days passed. I felt that everything was my fault, when I walked outside I could feel the slightest misfortune of others and it made me feel uncomfortable. I wanted to go under my bed, drink, and lose control for good. I hardly ever went out with the others, I spent hours locked up in my room watching old photos and sleeping, waiting for everyone to be busy going out to drink and bring back the corpses of the bottles. Yet I saw others accounting for something, I felt it deep inside me, but it was like a force that prevented me from doing something, as I could not. But tonight, it was not alcohol that bothered me, but violence.

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