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{Hyoga POV}

It was two days since Shun was gone. I was terribly worried, Ikki had returned to the estate and Shiryu from China after being warned. I had even alerted Seiya when I was looking for Shun while I was planning to spend some time in Siberia. He had left no traces of his passage, although we all found him weird his last days disappearing was not in his habit, he lived here, at the residence Kido and his armor also had disappeared. I was in his room looking for the hint when Ikki rushed into the room and grabbed me by the collar, pulling me up all the way up;

-What are you doing here? I allowed you to search in the affairs of my little brother?

-I need your right to find traces of my friend (and say the word friend remained between my throat) while he disappeared?

Ikki groaned before I let go of the ground or I sat down by the bed, something hit one of my hands; an empty bottle? More, alcohol? I huffed and lifted the quilt, shocked by dozens and dozens of bottles of empty spirits under Shun's bed, I looked at the bottles in shock with Ikki, who seemed even more disturbed.

-It's not Shun. It is not possible..

-We must talk to others and find him. As quickly as possible. I said.

We returned to the lounge minutes later with a few bottles in hand, disturbed, everyone was gathered, even Saori.

-I confess that he was weird lately, but Shun, the alcohol, it can not. Said Seiya.

-I agree with Seiya. Inquired Shiryu. Shun would not drink. Especially since he does not eat much for a while ..

-Boys; Saori spoke up. There are creatures, like demons sometimes taking possession of weak or pure humans, remember how Hades had taken possession of Shun some time ago .. I will inquire but it is possible that a being has taken possession of the poor soul weakened his last days of Shun ..

Ikki squeezed his fists tightly, holding himself to retain from crashing against a wall, he turned and grunted.

-I would not wait anymore. I will go get him.

-Good. Me too. Answered Seiya.

-Do not rush. Said Shiryu. We do not know if it can become dangerous. I'm going to get info with Saori.

-I join you. I said in a determined tone before going up to get my armor because Shiryu was right, who knows if this "demon" was not going to take full control of Shun and make him dangerous.

Oh Shun..

It's been two days since we were looking for Shun, without success. Ikki was still outside, I realized that he would not go back without his brother. And he was so stubborn that taking him bad would be a bad idea. After the discovery of the bottles I had made a tour of the bars to find out if Shun had been seen and I fell on a track; yes he had been seen late one night. The bartender had explained to me that Shun had a dark, bad look, my blood only turned one round. The more time passed, the more the jade-haired knight had to plunge into a deep loss of self, I shuddered. While Shiryu and Saori join us in the living room.

-Saori was right, said Shiryu.

-Yes, there are several demons, but the closest to taking possession of a pure soul like Shun's would be Alaka. The breaker of conscience.

-The breaker of conscience? I said. It's foolish, how could this demon have attacked Shun?

Nobody answered and a heavy silence weighed on us four.

-I do not know .. Concluded Saori while blowing. But we must find him as soon as possible and free him from this. -

Good. Said Seiya. We are going to continue to look for it .. Clues?

-Me. I replied. He would have had a drink in a bar in town and then nothing would have disappeared from the traffic. What worries me, however, is that he took his armor .. As if he planned to fight.

-It's true, but he can not also feel vulnerable and have taken it to protect him. Said Shiryu.

-Also yes. But we must not wait any longer. We must find him.

We left each on our side to his research.

{ Shun POV }

I walked in the evening shadows, head down and eyes empty. I had participated in three street fights in two days, I had vented as never even if I hated violence a force in me forced me to do it, to fuck all of them on the ground like vulgar insects. And damn what did it do me good. Wearing my armor, I passed under a light when someone shouted my name;


I turned my head and began to decelerate at full speed without knowing where I was going. I felt persecuted and it was the case, I arrived in an abandoned house where I furiously running to hide me. But the door opened while I was on the floor.


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