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He purposely watched Baekhyun's expression when he talked about Jungkook but saw no change in the sorry but friendly face.

"Yes, thanks. Anyways great, I hope they'll come to great terms again. I feel so bad about what I did."

"Well Jimin will forgive you when he sees you're serious about apologising." Chanyeol moved aside to let Baekhyun in.

"Make yourself comfortable. I'll just fix my spilled beer." He rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"Do you need help?" Baekhyun asked when he took off his shoes.

"Uh yeah actually. Could you get some paper towels? I'll get the detergent spray."

Baekhyun nodded and rushed in the kitchen, rummaged around in the cupboards.

He ran back to see Chanyeol kneeling while spraying the detergent on the stain. Crumbling the paper towels he dipped them on the carpet soaking them.

"Will I ever get rid of the stench?" Chanyeol sighed.

They finished cleaning and both fell on the couch.

Baekhyun broke the comfortable silence.
"To be honest, I didn't only come for Jimin. I couldn't stop thinking about you... I wanted to see you, Chanyeol."

Their eyes met with each other's longing gaze.

"Me too, Baekhyun. I've missed you like crazy even though I don't really know you."

Baekhyun moved closer to Chanyeol on the couch.

"Honestly I was so jealous of Jimin. When he came to talk to me, he ignored his pride and begged me to back off. I wanted someone who would do this for me so desperately. I'm really sorry for hurting your little brother. Jungkook isn't even my type at all."
The smaller chuckled lightly after his serious confession.

Chanyeol rose one eyebrow.
"What's your type then?"

Baekhyun winked at the taller.
"Someone exactly like you."

"Well you're my type too."

Chanyeol knew he would like to give Baekhyun a chance. A real one. He wanted to take the smaller out on dates and slowly learn to love him and eventually become boyfriends.

All these thoughts vanished when Baekhyun climbed on his lap and kissed him sweetly. Deepening the kiss it reminded him of the reunion party where they almost had sex either in Chanyeol's car or apartment. The thought of Baekhyun blissed out on his bed sheets clouded his mind. He wanted it. So bad.

Chanyeol thought they could also start their romance in about two hours.

There was serious business to be taken care of. He slung Baekhyun over his shoulder and carried the beauty to his bedroom slapping the plump ass.

"Let's continue what we began, Byun Baekhyun."

"Yes please, Park Chanyeol."

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