Chapter 1

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"Allon-sy!!!" He pulled the switch and the Universe vanished.

The Doctor opened his eyes to find himself back in Ponyville with Ditzy by his side. Celestia's sun hovered high in the sky and gave warmth to the young fillies playing nearby. The time travelling duo stood in front of the TARDIS by Mayor Mare's office.

"I think we did it," the Doctor sighed. "We rebooted the Universe. Now there won't be any zomponies to kill us."

"Should we go see Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash?" Ditzy asked. "We can celebrate with them."

"We should. Lets go s-"

A terrified scream split the air with the cut of a knife. The Doctor knew the scream all to well. Ditzy shivered at the sound. They ran to the scream to find a dead Changeling by Carrot Top, Twilight investigated some teeth marks on her hoof.

"D-Doctor...! I thought w-we fixed th-this...?"

"It... its not possible... I rebooted the Universe... I know I did..."

Rainbow Dash flew down beside Twilight with an anxious look on her face. She spotted the Doctor and gave him a pleading look. All the Doctor could do was stand in shock and feel the horror crawl up and down his skin.


The Doctor pulled the main lever and the TARDIS shook as it flew up into space. He pulled down a monitor and punched in coordinates. A live video feed of him fighting Zomponies with a long sword in his mouth played on the screen, the same one from before.

The stallion stepped back and felt his two hearts beat faster and faster... Possible explanations fly through his mind faster than any weapon can shoot. Then it came, the only true explanation.

His final stand was coming.

He looked at Ditzy who frantically monitored multiple screens of Equestria, looking for a possible source of the disease. She fell apart as she watched Sweetiebelle get bitten.

The Doctor shut off his screen, deciding to hide his theory. He walked over to Ditzy to comfort her as her tears rolled from her face and onto the metal floor of the TARDIS.

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