Chapter 2

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Fluttershy woke to the knocking on her door. She remembered the horrible events but they seemed like a dream. She knew it was real but she also knew the Doctor fixed everything. Right?

She opened her door to find Rainbow Dash with horror gripping her pink eyes. She rushed in and shut the door, holding Fluttershy as if all Hell was going to let loose.

"We're dead," the rainbow Pegasus said. "We're so dead."

"What's wrong Dashie?" Fluttershy asked.

"The zomponies! They're back!"

"What are you talking a-"

"Carrot Top was bitten by a Changeling, again. The Doctor said that we are in a time loop. We are reliving the apocalypse!"

Fluttershy's heart sank. The deaths from their first trip to Hell replayed in her mind, the blue, slippery blood shined on the cobblestone paths of Canterlot. She felt her body lose its weight and she fainted.


Rainbow Dash slipped her Element armor on once again and pretended to be amazed by it all. She looked at the Doctor but saw his eyes glazed over in deep thought. Fluttershy's heart pounded as the suit adjusted to her size. She wanted to live happily with Rainbow Dash, not go through the jaws of death again.

"Fluttershy," Rarity said. "Why are you so shaken up? You act like you've been through something like this."

The four Hell-jumpers' eyes shot wide as their cover was close to being blown. Fluttershy stuttered a seemingly okay reply.

"I-I just wore something like this while taking care of some w-wasps," she replied nervously.

"Oh, darling. I'm so sorry you have to kill something for once in your life."

The blood filling the crisp airs of Canterlot sprung in her mind. "Me, too."

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