Chapter 6

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Though fear gripped them with a death grasp, the five ponies ventured deeper into the corrupted city. When they reached the castle, a blue Unicorn with white highlights in her mane awaited them.

"What took you so long?" she asked.

"Colgate, now is not the time." The Doctor led everypony inside. "Lets hurry before something else happens."

Colgate nodded and closed her eyes. Her horn began to glow a soft white before growing stronger and the sound of the TARDIS whirring to life became audible. She opened her eyes and they, too, glowed a bright white. A police box materialized around her and solidified.

Before the Doctor could open the door, a swarm of Zomponies roared from 200 meters away. Everypony turned to see their former survivors rushing at them.

Rainbow Dash pulled out her rifle. "I'll hold them off! Get out of here!"

Before anypony could react, the Doctor took Fluttershy's rifle and shoved everypony else in the TARDIS. He locked the door and used his Sonic Screwdriver to send the TARDIS to his evacuation coordinates.

As he began firing the stolen rifle side by side with Rainbow Dash, he could hear the voices of the true survivors crying out.

As if reading his mind, Rainbow Dash spoke through the speakers in her helmet.

"Sorry guys for forcing you into the safe zone but in the end, sacrifices must be made for the greater good of the true survivors. You three must fix this mess without us. Good luck. And Fluttershy, I'm sorry."

As Rainbow killed her COM channel, more Zomponies got closer and closer. The next thing she knew, her Element burnt out and her armor exploded with her gun. The Doctor's gun reacted in kind. The Zomponies tackled the fighters and bit their throats. As Rainbow Dash shook violently, the Doctor's breath began to glow a soft gold. As his body shook, a powerful force built up within him. After three seconds of shaking, his body released a powerful gold explosion as his regenerative abilities kicked in, killing all the Zomponies in Equestria. As his body hovered in the air, glowing gold, his body began to change. His once strong body, began to shrink slightly. His mohawk grew into a long mane. His eyes went from tough blue to soft green. And his cutiemark had slighlty less sand in the upper hourglass and more in the lower half of the hourglass.

The glow vanished and the Doctor's body collapsed on the demolished castle stairs. As the Doctor stood up she spoke her first words.

"Well that was a lovely surprise." She looked over the post apocalyptic landscape. "I guess I saved Equestria the same way I stopped the Time War. That sucks."

She pulled out her Sonic Screwdriver and summoned the TARDIS. It appeared but in a damaged state, blood writings covering the outer doors.


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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