Chapter 3

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The Doctor remembered who was supposed to survive and listed them in his head: Fluttershy, Octavia, and Ditzy. They would make it to the TARDIS. He walked over to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

"Remember what kept the Zomponies away," he whispered.

They nodded as they opened the library door to see the Apple Family, zomponified.

Apple Jack looked away as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash shot the trotting enemies. Twilight's expression went to curiosity as soon as she saw Fluttershy's heart rate on her HUD.

As they trotted to Town Hall, Twilight noticed how only the Doctor, Ditzy, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash's heart rates stayed constant when they killed a zompony. Whenever she talked to them, though, their heart rates escalated high enough to trigger their adrenaline.

In under ten minutes, they made it to Town Hall. They walked in to find Octavia with Mayor Mare.

"Doctor! You were due here yesturday!" The mayor poked him between the eyes. "A time traveller who can visit infinite timelines but cannot make one appointment."

"Ma'am," Apple Jack said. "We are facing an apocalypse and you're upset about an appointment?"

Defeated, the mayor sighed. "Any ideas on survival, Twilight?"

"According to my research, a single bite can alter your blood cell's form to change you into these... these..."

"Zomponies," the Doctor said. "Call them zomponies."

"These zomponies," Twilight finished. "All we need to do is avoid getting bitten and we'll be fine."

As if on cue, a Zompony burst through the ceiling and tackled Twilight. Spike stood over her, snapping at her face. Twilight's guard dropped at the sight of him and his jaws pierced her armor and skin. She let out a yelp as a powerful shot turned Spike's head into a messy grenade.

Twilight forced herself up as her body began to shake. She felt her whole right side transform. A bug wing tore out of her back and her eyes turned green. A voice whispered through her helmet and a shining object ripped through her skull. She fell dead.

Rainbow Dash kept her rifle pointed at her target. "Forgive me... one more time."

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