One Starry Night

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It was a starry night, King Francis and Arthur was holding a ball for Matthew and Alfred's 16th birthday. Matthew was getting ready in his room, as he was slightly but yet excited to go to the ball. After a few minutes, Francis came in to wish Matthew a happy birthday, "Aww, my little Matthew is all grown up!" He exclaimed cupping Matthew's face into his hands then pulling him into a tight hug.

"Haha~! Uh, Papa, I can't breathe...!" He said having trouble breathing

"Oh, hehe, sorry. It's just, I can't believe you boys are already 16! It was like yesterday you two were riding the ladies dragging dresses." He said ruffling Matthew's hair.

"Yeah, I guess it's cool..." He said, not as enthusiastic as his father. He walked over to his balcony, sitting on the edge, kicking his feet back'n'forth.

"What's the matter, Matthew? I thought you'd be as enthused as Alfred." He asked, following him to the balcony.

Matthew shrugged, "I don't know, I just a little nervous. Plus, me and Alfred have come of age, to yknow, be king or queen...?"

"Oh, I totally understand. Becoming a fabulous adult can be intimidating, its normal. And the king thing, well, yes, you've both have come of age. But we aren't going to make you king right here right now. We'll discuss the matter in a few days, but it'll be hard choosing which one of you will be king." He said, leaning. "Well, don't worry so much, Mathieu. You'll be perfectly fine." He said patting Matthew as he left the room, "See you downstairs!"

Matthew weakly smiled but was still nervous, he never liked going to the dances being that there were so many people. He continued looking out the balcony, gazing at the sky as guests arrived. "Hmm, guess I should get down there." He sighed, as he went back into his room, putting on his glasses in his pocket and necklace he got early as a birthday gift from Arthur. The necklace was a locket, with a little maple leaf symbol on the front.

Alfred was already downstairs, flirting with the ladies and men (gOTTA HAVE THAT HOMO MY BROMO), while also chilling with Yao. As he was chatting, he saw Matthew walking down the stairs, yelling out, "Hey! Its Matthew! Finally, bro! Where were you?"

He sighed, rolling his as he walked up to Alfred, "Do you really need to yell and point me out like that?"

"Oh course! I'm your big bro!" Alfred said, messing up his brother's hair while laughing.

"We're literally the same age, you doof." He said, pokerfaced, not surprised by his hair being

messed up for the 100th time.

"Aww, don't be such a party pooper!" He said, smirking.

"What! No, I just..haven't found the right person yet" He said, looking out into the crowd then shrugging.

"There's surely someone down there that have the hots for you! Till then, just let me know if you need any pickup lines!" He said as he walked off with Yao to get a few snack and a drink.

Matthew sighs, he walks through the dancing crowd, soon sitting at an empty punch bowl. He sighs, watching everyone chatting, dancing, and so on.

He continues sitting, soon joined by his best friend, Carlos Machado (That's Cuba for ones that don't know). They chatted for awhile, until Carlos spotted someone coming into the castle,

"Hey, Mattie, I think you have a new guest," Said Carlos, point at the tall, white haired man.

"Huh, uh- "He turns, seeing the tall man, his eyes were a deep red, gleaming in the moonlight. His hair was as white as snow, and messy as Arthur's hair but at least seemed slightly brushed. Matthew staring, unable to speak. 

"Ay, Mattie, Mattie~?" Said Carlos, waving his hand in front of Matthew's eyes, but he continued to stare. 

The man soon made eye contact with him, they both stared, the man then raise a smile. He began to walk away.

Matthew smiled nervously back, and continued staring. Carlos watched the two, sipping his punch. "Jesus man, this boy is literally falling for some snowman" He thought.

"Damn, Mattie, you were staring at him for quite awhile." Commented Carlos, following a chuckle.

"Hmm? O-oh, sorry!" Matthew said, apologizing, "He just, caught my eye that's all!" 

"Mhmm, sure." Nodded Carlos, smirking, taking another sip of his punch. "Why don't you go look for him if he caught your eye so bad."

"Huh,  you know what, I will!" He said, perking up and began dragging Carlos, "Come on!"
They walked around, looking for the man, they soon were about to give up, until they walked past a balcony, and saw him looking out. Matthew stopped, smiling and stared again.

"Oh for the love of god, go and talk to him instead of looking at his ass!" Whispered yelled at Matthew with a chuckle.

"I know, b-but I don't know how to approach" Replied Matthew in defense, scratching his neck.

"Hmm, oh! I got a plan then." Replied Carlos, and began whispering it into Matthew's ear.

After a few minutes, the both of them hid in the hall. Carlos then called out, "Uh, sir!" To hopefully get the others attention, which it did. The man turned around and began looking where the voice came from, as he past the hall, Carlos pushed him into the other, cause the two to fall on the ground. 

"Wa! What the flying heck? Watch where you're going jac-" Began the man, but stopped once he noticed who it was. "P-Prince Alfred?" 

Matthew sighed, shaking his head with a nervous chuckle, "No, I'm Matthew, P-Prince Matthew."

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry, and s-sorry for running into you like that..." He replied, lightly pushing off Matthew and stood up, offering a hand to the other.

"No, no, its alright! I wasn't watching where I was going. And its fine, I'm always getting mixed up with my brother." Said Matthew, smiling widely as he took the others hand.

They stood in silence for awhile, staring at each other, seeming like they were both waiting for another to talk. Carlos stayed in the hall, watching the two interact.

"Well, uh, would you care to dance..?" He asked, bowing and offering a hand.

"Uh, sure! But no need for bowing." Matthew said, smiling, taking the hand with a giggle.

The man chuckled and pulled the other close, they began slowly spin, seeming to do the waltz. 

Matthew giggled as they danced, staring longingly into the man's eyes, "What's your name, sir?"

"That's unimportant at the moment," He says shrugging as the ballroom notices the dancing pair and clears way for them to dance.

"Well, can I call you something instead of tall man?" He asks, rolling his eyes jokingly.

He sighed, "Fine, you may call me, uh east."

"Why east? Do you live east from here?" Matthew asked trying not to giggle at the nickname.

"Yes, I know the nickname is stupid but oh well." He says, as he chuckled, continuing to dance with Matthew.

They soon made they're way back to the room, and continued on dancing.
The ballroom watched as the two dance, whispering, "Does that dude look familiar?" "Who is he?" "I didn't know Matthew could dance so well" Soon Francis, Alfred and Arthur noticing the two dancing.

//To Francis, Alfred, and Arthur's POV\\

"Hey look, Matthew finally found somebody!" Said Alfred excited and was already planning ways he could tease him and the other.

"Yes, but the man, he looks oddly familiar...Don't you agree Francis?" Arthur said looking to Francis, suspicious of Matthew's dancing partner.

"Hmm, I suppose. But it's maybe just a coincidence." He responds shrugging, then looking Arthur.

"Hmm, yeah, I suppose. But I just have this feeling, like, something isn't right."

"Maybe that's food talking." Said Alfred as he walked off, snickering

"Oh shut up!" Replied Arthur rolling his eyes at Alfred.

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