The Book

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When they arrived back, it was already sunset, when they entered town, Matthew quickly grabbed a hanging hoodie on a stand. "Here, this will help keep you undetected, hopefully." He let go of Gilbert's hand, so no one will notice, or stand out. They continued walking, being stopped a few times but quickly carried on, soon arriving to the front.

"Hmm, I think there's another way in...Follow me." Thought Matthew, as he began walking around the corner, leading into the garden. "There should be a door, we would play back here in the flowers, and Arthur would come out of a door." He said, as he began looking around the walls. "Just like how he came out being gay." He commented, giggling.

"Preach." Commented Gilbert simply, laughing along and highfiving him.

"Hmm, it should be...Here! Ha! Found it." Said Matthew excitedly, as he found the door, covered in shrubs of blue-purplish flowers. "We just gotta rip these off, hmm..."
They began ripping them off, after a few minutes, they were able to open the door, quickly opening the door. It squeaked and whined, since its been years from being used.

When they walked in, the room looked vacant, having an empty table, a bed, bookshelf. and a drawer. "Hmm, I'll check the shelf, you check the drawer." Said Matthew, going over to the shelf and began checking through the stacks of books.

Gilbert went over to the drawer, he opened the top one but all it had was dust and a small pencil. He opened the bottom one, seeing nothing but a rag. He was about to close the drawer until he found a crumpled up paper in the corner. "Hmm..." He grabbed it, and slowly opened it up. But before he could read the paper, Matthew called to him, "Hey! I think I found it!" He flinched and quickly put the paper in his pocket, closing the drawer and went over to Matthew, who had a book in his hands.

"Yep, this is the one." He said, feeling the cover, seeing Arthur's signature. "Alright, let's put it back before someone comes~!"

"Aww, c'mon, let's take a peek! Maybe if we do, we could use one?" He suggested, putting his hands over Matthew.

"Uh, alright! I mean, I s-suppose it wouldn't hurt..." He said, nervously smiling as he opened the book. Revealing the filled book with drawings, formulas, etc.

"Whoa...!" They both said, looking through the pages. Seeing all kinds of tricks, and spells. As they looked, Gilbert glanced at Matthew then to the door.

"Uh, Mattie. I-I think I heard someone coming! Uh, could you check? Please?"

"Huh? I didn't hear anything...Hmm, well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to check." He said, shrugging as he began going out the door they came in, looking side-to-side.

As Matthew check, Gilbert quickly skimmed through the pages, ripping out some pages such as, "Levitation", "Hypnosis", "Mind state", etc. He quickly put them in his pocket as Matthew came back in, seeming puzzled.

"Must've been an animal, no one was coming, Gil." He said, looking at him with a small smile.

"Oh, alright. Hehe, sorry. Guess I'm slight paranoid, I supposed." Said Gilbert, chuckling, and sighing. "Well, let's hurry out of here. I've seen enough, I'm impressed by you're father, honestly." He said, putting the book away.

"Yeah, hehe...And thanks, I guess. It was pretty cool seeing them." He said, smiling as he watched Gilbert and began leaving the room with him.

"Now, I suppose I should show off some of my own spells. Would you agree..?" He said, smirking as he glanced at Matthew.

"Hehe, sure! Uh, I got the best place we can go! But let me check with Alfred so he doesn't go to find us." Replied Matthew, smirking too, softly giggling.

A Forbidden Love ~ A Prucan TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz