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//Gilbert's POV\\

He had been walking for quite sometime, rethinking his day. But, the only thing he could clearly make out in his mind was Matthew's delicate, and innocent face. "Jesus...I swear to god that kid is going to be stuck in my mind for how long..." He said to himself, chuckling. Soon arriving to his home.

When he walked in, he was greeted by two guards, they both held a sparrow, wearing basic peasant clothing but had a fierce expression. Gilbert nodded to them, giving them a small wave as he walked in. The twined guards waved, and returned to their neutral expressions and posture.

Upon entering, the yard/quad, he was greeted by one of Roderich's men, or I should say women, she walked up to him, having light brown hair with dark green eyes.

"So, how'd it go? Find anything useful? Anything we could use?" She asked, guiding him into the castle, having a serious expression

"Not exactly..But I was able to trick one of the Princes..." Gilbert said, shrugging.

"Well, you're going to have to talk with Roderich, he wants to speak with you, now." She said, giving him a glare, following an eye role. They soon arrived to a room, when opening the door, Roderich was sitting at his desk, writing. Elizabetha pushed him in, following in and taking a seat.

"It's nice for you to finally join us, for once, Gilbert. You're probably wondering why the hell I brought you here, huh? Well, it's about...The Bonnefoys...-''

//Bonnefoys POV\\

The next day, Matthew and Alfred were by the river. Alfred was doing some fishing while Matthew wrote in his journal, even sketching some fish that Alfred caught.

"So, what happened with you and Arthur last night? I heard the both of you yelling from across the hall, Everything alright?" Asked Alfred, setting a into the river.

"Oh, uh...Noting important.." Replied Matthew, continuing to write. "Just a disagreement, that's all."

"You sure? You and Arthur never fought as loudly as you did. Plus, this morning you and Arthur wouldn't look each other in the eyes, is everything really alright?" Asked Alfred again.

Matthew sighed, and closed his book, "Fine, if you're going to interrogate me, I told who Arthur who I was dancing with, whom apparently was the Prince of the Beilschmidt. I asked him why can't we trust him, with the fact Gilbert gave a fuck to come..." He said, following another sigh.

"Wait, the same Beilschmidts who killed our grandparents...? I didn't know they had more children, but I can see where Arthur is coming from. I understand you may like him but, it was just a day."

Matthew said nothing and went back to his journal, shaking his head. "I suppose, I'm not allowed to go see him anyways so, no need for you to add your damn two cents." Replied Matthew, having a snarky tone.

"Hey, no need to be a snappy smartass. I'm not yelling, hell, I haven't met the guy. But for now I agree, or at least semi-agree with Arthur.

Matthew kept quiet, as he began to sketch out a person in his journal, not making any eye contact with his brother. Alfred sighed and took the net out of the river, filled with a bundle of fish. "I'll be right back, Matthew." He said, leaving the area.

After a few minutes, Matthew looked up, noticing Alfred had left. Shrugging, he returned to his sketch but before he could add anything to it, he felt a tapping on his shoulder.

"Hello, sir, Matthew." Said a voice coming from behind, the voice having a german accent while following a small chuckle.

Matthew jumped, turning around but quickly smiled. "Gilbert! Oh my god, you're back!" He exclaimed, hugging the other tightly.

"Of course I'd be back, you really think I'd forget a person like you?" Replied Gilbert, smiling, caressing Matthew's face.

"Heh..Gilbert..I missed you a lot. Even if it's only been a day, I'm...actually worried we won't be able to see each other again.." Said Matthew, his smile forming into a frown as he trailed off.

"What? What do you mean?"

"My parents don't want to rusk me being with you, with the fact you're a Beilschmidt...I tried telling them that you don't seem dangerous, that I trust you, but they won't listen. They only pay attention to what your parents did to theirs..."

"Oh, Matthew, I'm sorry they're being like that..But believe me, no matter what, I'll do anything in my power to see you and be with you."

"G-Gil..." Began Matthew, blushing from Gilbert's remark. But before he could continue, Alfred had arrived back.

"Hey Matthew, you will not believe what happ-" Alfred said, before stopping and seeing Gilbert holding Matthew close, his brother's blushing obviously visible.

'Hey! You! What do you think you're doing with my brother!?" Yelled Alfred, turning very protective, prying him off of Matthew, "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Alfred, its fine! That's Gilbert, he just came to see-"

"Gilbert? The man Arthur and Francis doesn't want you seeing? The prince of the Beilschmidt?" Said Alfred, holding Gilbert by the collar of his shirt. "Now listen to me, if you so much hurt a single curl on my brother, I will tear you to bits."

"Seriously? For such a peaceful kingdom, you're very violent and are to quickly jump to conclusions." Replied Gilbert, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, we're peaceful till you straight kill our members in their damn sleep!"

"Yeah, I can understand that, but you know what? I wasn't even fucking born then. So how about not blaming past problems on a new generation their past generations."

Alfred gritted his teeth, but sighed letting down Gilbert. Knowing he was right. He turned to Matthew, "Anything happens, Arthur and Francis will be first to hear..."

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