Chapter 3: So tired

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A long car drive later, the two arrive at a Starbucks but Jaymes was asleep in the car. Mark was worried a bit as she was in an awkward position. Jaymes woke up to the sound of Markiplier opening and closing the door. He had just come back and a cup in each hand. 

Jaymes POV

"Ah, you're awake! You fell asleep, so I decided to go to Starbucks. I got you a hot cocoa with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. I don't know what you like to get at Starbucks, but I tried. Heh heh..." Markiplier said. He handed me the drink, and I drowsily took it. Markiplier sighed with smile and turned the key to turn on the engine of his car. I noticed a cup holder and set my cup in there. My eyes closed and I fell asleep. 

Markiplier POV: 

I should stop at the Apple Store soon. When I set her to bed, I will go get her some presents. "So Jay- Oh. She's asleep." I wanted to ask her something, but that can wait. It's almost Christmas! I just remembered. I wish I could know what she wants for Christmas. Maybe... "NO!" Author shouts. Can she read my mind? "YES!"

Author POV

"I will NOT let you know what Jaymes wants for Christmas! Mark, you are my favorite tied with Sean, but I can not let you cheat on being a dad! You need to handle this yourself Mark. I'm sorry. NO DO NOT GIVE THAAT LOOOKK!!! NUUUU!!! NOT GIVING IN! I WILL COME BACK LATER" 

Markiplier POV

Darn. Well, Time to get her home. Author, Time Skip please!

Time Skip brought to you by: MarkiplierTV

We arrived home after a shortish drive and I picked Jaymes up. I carried her inside the house and to her room where I lay her down on her bed. I walked downstairs, turned on the series  I'm watching-Superstore- and opened kik due to a notification.

BooperDooper: Hiya Mark! Just landed. Reply when you read this!

Markimoo: Hey Jack!

BooperDooper: What are you doing up so late?

Markimoo: What do ya' mean? We live in different timezones.

BooperDooper: Check the app called Clock, ya asshole!

Markimoo: lel. I'm about to go to bed anywho. Should I text you when I'm up?

BooperDooper: Sure why not?

Markimoo: 'night Jack!

BooperDooper: Good night Mark.


Markimoo: I have news

*message not sent

"Damn." I quietly said. I sighed and walked upstairs. I didn't bother changing, just flopped on my bed and fell asleep.

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