Chapter 4: In Awe

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Everyone was still asleep, but would soon awaken. Jaymes has not yet seen the house she lives in a- BEEP BEEP BEEP- Markiplier! Wake up~ Show Jaymes around~ Ask her what she would like for Christmas and when her birthday is. 

Markiplier POV

I slammed the button on my alarm, turning it off. I yawn and go simply to the hall and then her door. I open it and the door makes a soft squeaking noise. All the doors in my house do that, but can't really be heard. I quickly text Jack saying Good morning. I walk over to her bed and try to wake her. "Jaymes~ Wake up." Her arm twitches and I let out a quick laugh. I boop her nose and she drowsily wakes up. She looks around her room and stares as if she's never had her own room. She sees me and gasps,"I thought yesterday was a dream! This is actually happening?" I giggle at her question. "Yes, this is happening. Follow me, I'll give you a quick tour and then we can get some breakfast. If you want, I can set you up with a recording room as well?" I tell her which she nods to. *Ding* I looked down at my phone. Jack replied with a "Top of the morning!" I laugh and Jaymes asks "Who are you texting?" "Just... I'm sure you know him. Let me reply, then I will show you around." Jaymes agrees and gets her computer. She sits next to me and I begin to text:

Markimoo: Whats up little Irish drunkee?

BooperDooper: I am not drunk dude.

Markimoo: Heh heh. 

BooperDooper: I am not drunk, I was drunk.... My head hurts :c

Markimoo: Awh! I have a solution though. Mix two eggs, milk, an orange and one drop of beer.* Trust me.

BooperDooper: Sounds gross, but I will try it. TTYL

Jaymes looks over my shoulder. 

Jaymes POV

"Who's BooperDooper?" I ask , only being able to see that. Mark gets flustered and replies "A f-friend" heh heh, sure. "OOH!! YOU LIKE THEM!! YOU LIKE THEM!!" I yell, giggling. Mark blushes and puts his phone in his pocket. "Let's start the tour.." Mark starts to head downstairs** and his phone vibrates. Mark ignores it and shows me the living room, kitchen, and one of 3 bathrooms. He heads to the kitchen motions for me to come as well. "What do you want to eat? We can eat out, go to drive thru, or eat here." Mark says, giving me my options. "Let's go to a drive thru! Can we get tacos?" I ask and he smiles and says "Of course we can get tacos." He leads me outside and to the car. I sit up front, next to Markiplier-I have to start calling him dad- when suddenly, the back car door slams shut. 

Author POV

"Hello again guys! To answer your question, I will always be here. Continuing, I want a bean burrito. I can't eat tacos due to my braces." They react with a sorry, "But anyways, Jaymes. What would you like Christmas? Oh no! I'm disappearing... Well, Mark this is your chance!"

Mark POV

"Chance for what?" Jaymes asks, being confused after Author appeared/disappeared. "My chance to ask what you would like for Christmas." While she talks, she writes them down after finding a paper and pen floating around in my car. I took out my phone and look at the text.

BooperDooper: Tasted gross, but it works! Good job my man!

Markimoo: Just a recipe. 

BooperDooper: I'll have to remember that..

BooperDooper: Gtg see ya later.

"MARK! Who is BooperDooper?" Jaymes asks, and I sigh. "I'll give hints, but that's it. He has two names, his real one and the name everyone calls him. He is quite famous/popular as well." I respond."Hmm..." Jaymes thought for a moment, and yells "OOOOHHH!! HOW COULD I NOT TELL! OMG ITS JACKSEPTICEYE!! IT IS ISN'T!!!" I laugh and nod and she punches the chair. "You want Septiplier to be real, don't you Mark?" I decide to change the subject. "Since I adopted you, you should start calling me 'dad' or something along  those lines." Jaymes nods in agreement. "I'll have to remember that, dad" She smiled

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