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When I went downstairs I saw the rest of the team. We were going to call ourselves the Young Avengers. I looked to see Peter, Speed, Wiccan, Elementa (A new hero), and Thorn who is Elementa's sister. Speed had bright white hair and blue eyes, he looked a lot like Wiccan even though Wiccan has darker hair. I found out that they are supposedly the lost children of Scarlet Witch. That was shocking to me because Wanda was one of my closest friends. Then there was Peter with his mesmerizing brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I then looked at Elementa or Paige, which was her real name. She had long blonde hair and brown eyes. Her sister Thorn, who probably the youngest on the team, had brown hair with the ends died green and green eyes as well. She looked nothing like her sister. Then Paige stepped up.

"Welcome to your first day of training Wildfire my name is Paige as you already know!" She said. "This is Speed, Wiccan, Autumn, and Peter who I assume you already know," She continued, introducing each member.

I never knew what Thorn's real name was, but I guess now I can call her Autumn.

"Thank you Paige. I'm Wildfire but you all can call me Skylar," I proclaimed.
"Okay, Skylar," Autumn stepped up and spoke.
"Well then let's get on with training!"

"Okay everybody, you heard her let's go!" Wiccan ordered with authority.

I was wondering why they where so quiet before, but Speed still hasn't talked at all.
We all started training and I was paired up with Speed because we both have super speed.

"So you think you're fast!" I questioned cockily.

"No, I know I'm fast!" He said pulling down his goggles.

"Well I'm faster!" I exclaimed, taking off and running as the race began.

Speed was fast, but I knew I was faster. I sped in front of him, still seeing him close behind. I could already see the finish line that was set up. Then I sped towards the finish line and crossed it.

"See I told you I was faster!"

"That was just beginners luck!" He said panting heavily, he was clearly out of breath.

"Okay, let's go inside and do some other solo training exercises!"


Then we both went inside and he took a break while I went to shoot targets. I formed a flame in my hand, taking out each target easily. Training then ended and I was off to my last class Powers/Abilities.

THE ALIEN ➣ peter parker (✓)Where stories live. Discover now