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"Why you guys are eating each others faces?"

With Lay's perpetually bewildered voice punctuating the heated moment, both Sehun and Rachel abruptly break away. Sehun wears a slight frown, evidently annoyed by the interruption, while Rachel's expression betrays her displeasure at the sudden halt.

In a mere heartbeat, they grasp the awkwardness of their position. Sehun's gaze drifts down his body, and Rachel instinctively follows, only to find her hands—one clasped around his neck, the other resting on his bare chest. His hand, firmly placed on her waist, mirrors the tension in the air.

The realization crashes over them like a speeding truck, and they swiftly create distance between themselves. Despite their separation, they remain dazed, grappling with the gravity of what just occurred moments before.

"Aish, Rachel, are you okay?" Amber barged in, breathless, her eyes widening at the sight of an unconscious Jimin.

"Did I miss something?" she asked, straightening herself.

"Not much, just these two making out with each other," Lay replied casually, while Amber froze, her gaze shifting between Sehun, shirtless and closer to Rachel, and the lump forming in her throat.

Sehun cleared his throat. "Umm, let's go, guys. He could wake up any moment."

As he walked past Lay, hastily putting his shirt back on, he struggled to maintain his composure, his legs feeling wobbly with the internal explosion of emotions. Buttoning up his shirt messily, he locked eyes with Amber, who understood what needed to be done. Without a word, she grabbed Rachel's wrist and dragged her out of the room.

Rachel glanced back briefly, meeting Sehun's gaze just as he focused on putting his coat back on. As she turned away, Sehun bore his eyes into her back, watching her slowly disappear from view.

Lay grinned mischievously at Sehun, his eyes dancing with amusement. "What's the deal with what you did back there?"

Sehun shot him a warning look. "No explanations, and if you bring it up again, you're dead."

"I can keep quiet, but what about the others?" Lay persisted, gesturing towards his earpiece. "They might not have seen, but they could've heard your little 'hot kiss'."

At that remark, Sehun felt like he'd just been drained of all his blood, but he maintained his composure with practiced ease. He'd deal with his team of fools later. As they reconvened in the meeting room, stifled laughter filled the air. Chanyeol couldn't contain himself, erupting into fits of giggles that spread contagiously through the group.

Sehun wore his trademark expression of annoyance, inwardly groaning. After allowing them a moment, he slammed his hand down on the table. "Are you all quite finished?"

His icy tone silenced the room, save for Luhan, who was unfazed by Sehun's intimidation tactics."Luhan, any updates?" Sehun asked, his demeanor shifting to business.

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