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JongIn was sweating profusely, whenever he recalled Sehun's instructions, that,  he had to do that, without anyone else knowing. It's the most difficult task, specially when it's Chen we're talking about. "Guys are you ready!?" Kris asked through his earpiece. Chen was quick to flash his thumbs up through window. Kris and Jungkook were in other car, while JongIn and Chen in other. They all get off, cautiously looking there surroundings.

"Luhan, all clear?"

Luhan who was watching there every move via CCTV, nodded, Suho was quick to smack him. ""Oww"

"They can't see you Luhan."

Luhan making 'O' shape, said "Yes!! All clear. Kris the CCTV flashing the area of Chanyeol's resting place is a bit distorted, so you all should be careful because I'll not be able keep an eye on you guys over there."


"Let's go guys!! Two of us will watch the area and two will be fetching the hard disk." Jungkook said.

"I'll go to fetch hard disk with Jungkook." JongIn was quick to reply, he sighed in relief when no one questioned his statement.

Kris nodded and they quickly parted their ways but still remained close to each other. Kris and Chen pulled out their gun as they guarded at a little distance from Chanyeol's grave, while the other duo cautiously walked to his resting place. JongIn's heart was palpitating, he pulled out the necklace around his neck, clutching it tightly between his palm, 'I love you', slipping it back under his shirt.

"Here!!" Jungkook pointed at the area where he saw Baekhyun hiding the hard disk. They both rushed, over there only to get disappointed because the midget slipped the disk into the cemented area.

"Jungkook, we have to push this cemented cover to retrieve it. How in hell that tiny midget could even think of doing this and more importantly how he did it all alone." JongIn said, loosening the knot of his tie.

"He was coming here for like five days in a row, he was doing it little by little without being noticed." Jungkook replies and the taller of the too lazily nodded.

"What's happening I can't see you!?"

With Luhan words Kris and Chen, turned to the other duo who was struggling to push the cemented cover of the grave, "I think Luhan, they have to remove the cover." Chen said unsurely. "I think they need us." Kris stated walking towards them.

Chen turned quickly, hearing rustling behind him, but there was nothing, other than everything being pitch dark. He knew something was off, "Luhan, there's something off here. Guys we have to make it fast."

That was the darkest night, the clouds were getting heavy with electrifying lightening, and to add more to their struggle it started pouring down heavily.

"The fuck is happening tonight." Jungkook huffed, when he got his leg stuck in the wet soil. They pushed the cemented cover, with all their strength. They grimaced, when the skeleton wearing a black tuxedo, came to their sight. Kris looked away as Chanyeol's goofy smile flashed through his eyes, "Let's do it fast. I just can't stand to see this."

Chen was no better, as he gulped looking at Chanyeol's skeleton. Jungkook, felt guilty because it was him and NamJoon who were somehow responsible for his death if only they didn't called for higher ups, help.

JongIn was the only one who was unfazed by any of this, sensing no one would be willing to do the deed, he leaned down scanning the skeleton with his tiny flashlight for hard disk. His eyes lightened up when he locate the hard disk, near Chanyeol's shoulder. He took it placing it securely in his coat, he glanced at everyone who were possibly avoiding the scenarios looking around, taking a deep breath he took the other thing  there, which Sehun asked him to pick. He placed inside his pocket.

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