Chapter 4

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It was Monday of my first real week in this small town. Although I had deliberated endlessly I finally decided to stay and attend the last two weeks of school. Maybe a few months during the summer too. I knew that Adams girl would continue to perplex me and send my blood into a raging mess, but I also knew it was more dangerous at this point to leave. For some reason, he was continuously calling me and I was worried he had an idea something was different this time. That alone was enough to convince me to stay.

I knew I had to keep my distance with Leah for now, but that did not stop me from texting her over the weekend. Although it was not constant, we had plenty of conversation. It was much easier getting to know her through this means then trying to see her face to face. Perhaps she felt safer through text. It would be nearly impossible to be discovered that way. Either way I was relieved she kept the conversation going.

Stepping into class I could smell the humidity hanging heavily in the air. As I walked towards my seat I noticed the usually blue sky dotted with heavy rain clouds. It would probably rain by mid-day and I longed to be outside for it. The rich smell of wet earth over powered the stifling aroma from the classroom. I guess our homeroom teacher opened the window with anticipation of the storm. Rain generally brought with it cooler weather that everyone here greatly appreciated.

As I sat down I could not help but glance towards the empty seat next to me. It had been a very long weekend agonizing this exact moment. Was I strong enough to ignore her presence once more? This time being mentally prepared I assumed I would be able to handle the situation. I just had to keep reminding myself it was only this period we shared.

I nodded and smiled casually towards the young girls who greeted me so enthusiastically. I found their admiration admirable and appreciated it. Demon or not sometimes it was nice to be doted on. Who would not like that? I ran my hand down my black slacks smoothing out the small creases as an excuse to break eye contact. Disappearing into the background could easily be done if I truly wished, although I never really went that far. Seeing I had no intention to speak to anyone, my classmates generally left me alone.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. I could smell her rich blood as she entered the classroom, this time her scent was subtler. I assumed her small cut had healed over. Inhaling, it was obvious I could handle her better today. Content with the idea that my overwhelming hunger had subsided, I watched the young girl pass everyone, head down just like before.

When she sat down she fidgeted absentmindedly until the students who gawked at her finally gave up and turned around whispering among themselves. I shook my head; this poor girl really could not catch a break. I continued to watch as her deep burgundy hair, slightly curly today, bounced around her soft face. Her eyes glared with irritation as she tried to make herself look busy. It was very obvious she hated the idea of being here and I could not blame her. She did not seem liked and I could only imagine how difficult it was going through school with no friends. For humans those bonds were crucial to the development of their personality.

As the breeze shuffled through the window, I was hit with a powerful waft of the girl's scent. Of course my stomach knotted the very instant I smelled it, but I was calm enough to keep my composure. My eyes fluttered momentarily as my taste buds tingled. When I glanced back up I happened to catch as she peeked in my direction. I knew her curiosity would eventually get the best of her. There was something on her mind and I figured it was only a matter of time before she gave in.

I shifted my head somewhat and pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. As I cleared my voice my eyes reopened casually and met the gaze of the young girl. My breath caught as the bright hazel deeply engraved in her eyes captivated me. It startled me to feel so... caught off guard. I was not prepared for her affect to me to such a degree.

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